Thank you for visiting my website. My hope is that you will gain insight and wisdom from the perspective of a person who has experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI). My purpose of making this website is to help write my book. ...
The information contained on the web site is provided by Meeting Life’s Challenges, Inc. and is provided for educational and informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal or medical advice or as an offer to perform legal, medical or treatment services...
This cohort study uses Danish national registry data to investigate associations between traumatic brain injury and suicide in the general Danish
Call CNS at 800.922.4994 and ask to speak to anAdmissionsprofessional, who can provide information on brain injury, rehabilitation, insurance, and patient evaluations. For more details visit our Request a Callback Patients & Families ...
Visitors to our website often contact us with many interesting and important questions about the brain and brain injury. Read answers to those questions. Read More Veterans and Traumatic Brain Injury Resources, websites, articles, videos and other information for military veterans recovering from a...
Compassionate Brain Groups provide a safe environment for individuals with mild to moderate cognitive impairment caused by ADHD or Traumatic Brain Injury.
Clinical neuropsychologist Dr. Glen Johnson's Traumatic Brain Injury Survival Guide was written to explain head injuries in clear, easy to understand language for patients of head injuries. The goal of this online book is to better prepare the head injur
Traumatic brain injury, often referred to as TBI, is most often an acute event similar to other… Read More ▸ Definitions Related to TBI There are several ways to describe brain injuries. The brain is enclosed in the bony vault of the… ...
Centre for Neuro Skills specializes in advanced brain injury rehabilitation. We offer specialized traumatic brain injury treatment to each of our patients.
Professionals at CNS Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation are the clinicians, insurers and other referral sources that engage with us through different phases of rehabilitation.