About traumatic brain injuryDavid C SpencerSteven Karceski
Traumatic brain injurypublic perceptionsmisconceptionsmeasurementvaliditypsychometricPrimary Objectives The aim of this paper was to conduct a review of the misconception literature relating to traumatic brain injury (TBI) and to critically review the comprehensiveness, psychometric properties and other qualities...
Technological advances and improved medical procedures have increased the likelihood that children will survive traumatic brain injury (TBI) (Gerring & Carney, 1992; Kraus, Fife, & Conroy, 1987; Spreen, Risser, & Edgell, 1995). Along with higher survival rates has come the potential need for ...
Participants who had previously taught a child with a brain injury demonstrated greater knowledge of traumatic brain injury, but not concussion, than those who had not. There were no differences in knowledge of concussion or brain injury between participants who had and had not attended a briefing...
About Brain Injury Brain Injury affects millions of people worldwide every year. Most brain injuries fall into two distinct categories: Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Acquired Brain Injury An acquired brain injury is an injury to the brain, which is not ...
Facts about traumatic brain injury
patient story I'm back to work. I'm back to driving...The care was absolutely phenomenal. I feel like RHI gave me my winning combination to succeed and to go back into the workforce and back to my life. Cindy Urich Traumatic Brain Injury Survivor ...
Migraine-related visual disturbances typically originate in the brain, rather than the eyes. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) – An injury to the brain caused by a blow, fall or other kind of trauma. About half of all traumatic brain injuries cause photophobia. Meningitis – Swelling in the ...
Work-related injuries can be painful and result in long periods of disability. Certain injuries, such astraumatic brain injuries(TBI), have a lifelong impact on a worker’s ability to continue in his or her occupation and even perform normal daily activities. Workers can suffer head trauma in...
Traumatic brain injuries; Spinal cord injuries; Occupational diseases; Amputations; Back and neck injuries; Burn injuries; and Workplace fatalities. Skilled Attorneys You Can Rely On Our personal injury and workers compensation attorneys have the background, skill sets, and grit necessary to resolve ...