Discussion: The uniqueness of this research lies in the fact that it is the first time that reaction-diffusion dynamics have been applied to the connectome to model the evolution of neurodegenerative diseases or traumatic brain injury. In addition, the generality of these model...
but also around traumatic brain injuries. Studies consistently show that athletes exposed to hundreds of repetitive head impacts, in the absence of aconcussion, still have changes to brain function, blood biomarkers of brain injury, and structural changes on imaging that ...
Discuss at what times of life is brain damage more or less likely to have significant long-term effects. Explain why. Why is it important to differentiate between memory impairments due to traumatic brain injury and deterioration of the brain due ...
Prediction of outcome in traumatic brain injury with computed tomographic characteristics: a comparison between the computed tomographic classification and... We aimed to examine the predictive value of the Marshall CT classification in comparison with alternative CT models. METHODS: The predictive value ...
A) How is the plasticity of the brain throughout life evident in recovery from brain damage? B) What are some factors that determine its extent and facilitate recovery? C) What limits are there in recovery from injury in children? In adults?