testosteronetraumatic brain injuryTraumatic brain injury (TBI) increases Ca2+ influx into neurons and desynchronizes mitochondrial function leading to energy depletion and apoptosis. This process may be influenced by brain testosterone (TS) levels, which are known to decrease after TBI. We hypothesized...
Testosterone plays a key role in men. Thus, an understanding of androgens in TBI is essential to follow these survivors of head trauma. This review will discuss the epidemiology of TBI, its association with male hypogonadism, and possible treatments....
Hormonal deficiencies such as low DHEA-s, Testosterone, Estradiol, Growth Hormone and/or Thyroid may cause depression and other mood disorders. Psychological, Physiological, and Physical Manifestations of a Traumatic Brain Injury May Include: Depression Anxiety Mood swings Bouts of anger Memory loss Ina...
Recent evidence also suggests that estrogen and progesterone levels act as a critical factor in the prognosis of traumatic brain injury. It has been confirmed that the decrease in 17β-estradiol (E2) level leads to an increase in brain damage, while in the proestrus period when the E2 level ...
brain regions [110,155]. Production of testosterone by testes in the late gestation period may drive the early microglial increases in males since ovaries are largely silent at this time [155]. Once colonization is established, microglia contribute directly to many facets of brain development and...
A prospective study was conducted to evaluate pituitary-gonadal function and correlated parameters in 21 adult males with severe traumatic brain injury during acute inpatient rehabilitation. Serum concentrations of testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were measured wi...
But it should not ignore the sex difference between males and females, which would be an important biological variable in CNS injury and disease [83, 87]. And sexual dimorphism in sex hormone levels (e.g., estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone), microglial/macrophage properties, and ...
Roberts, PhD JAMA Neurology Podcast (22:23) Association of Concussion Symptoms With Testosterone Levels and Erectile Dysfunction 1x 0:00 / 0:00 Subscribe to Podcast Podcast (7:43) Football Players and Erectile Dysfunction Associated With Repetitive Head Injury 1x 0:00 / 0:00 Subscribe to ...
Testosterone SummaryTraumaticbraininjury(TBI)isanimportantcauseofdisabilityinhumans.Neuroac- tivesteroids,suchasprogesteroneanddehydroepiandrosterone(DHEA),areneuroprotective inTBImodels.Howeverinordertodesignpotentialneuroprotectivestrategiesbasedonneu- roactivesteroidsitisimportanttodeterminewhetheritsbrainlevelsarealteredby...
A Concussion, medically known as a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is the result of a bump, blow, blast, or penetration to the head. Any external force that causes the brain to move within the head can disrupt normal brain function, leading to loss of consc