Instead, translation-coupled transcription and runaway transcription constitute two principal modes of gene expression that determine genome-specific regulatory mechanisms in prokaryotes. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Access Nature and 54 other Nature...
Furthermore, we applied the ProQC system for 3-hydroxypropionic acid, violacein and lycopene production by ensuring full-length expression of enzymes in biosynthetic pathways, resulting in 1.6- to 2.3-fold greater biochemical production. We believe that our ProQC system can be universally applied to...
In prokaryotes, the overall process is regulated by proteins that function as signals or operators and terminate the process by physically blocking the RNA polymerase once the process is complete. In eukaryotes, various proteins termed as transcription factors are involved in the regulation of transcrip...
To understand how mRNA ADP-ribosylation inhibits phage development, we measured translation by growing T4-infected cells producing CmdTAC or CmdT*AC in the presence of radiolabelled cysteine and methionine. By 10 min post-infection we observed a complete block in incorporation in cells with CmdT...
Regulation of translation via mRNA structure in prokaryotes and eukaryotes Gene (2005) KozakM. Pushing the limits of the scanning mechanism for initiation of translation Gene (2002) al. The eukaryotic translation initiation factors eIF1 and eIF1A induce an open conformation of the ...
As a keystone of cellular energy production, anaerobic metabolism/glycolysis underlies hypoxia- and anoxia-tolerance across kingdoms5,6,7, from simple prokaryotes to complex eukaryotes including humans and hypoxia-resistant organisms e.g. naked mole rats8 and nematode worms9. Furthermore, hypoxia is ...
Another interesting study on frameshift and its implications in prokaryotes suggested and support the hypothesis that OSCs (out of frame stop codons) carry functional significance and have been selected in the course of genome evolution to act against unintended frameshift occurrences. Some results also...
Kozak M: Regulation of translation via mRNA structure in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Gene. 2005, 361: 13-37. Article CAS Google Scholar Fan Q, Treder K, Miller WA: Untranslated regions of diverse plant viral RNAs vary greatly in translation enhancement efficiency. BMC Biotechnol. 2012, 12: ...
Full size image To find out which of the two, anticodon or codon, was actually involved in selection of independent aa-binding RNAs, we first noticed that, formally speaking, the concomitant presence of codons and anticodons is also expected in the reverse situation, when codons contain a pali...
and to obtain robust estimates of the steady-state distribution, we excluded all the genes with length <200 nt. In addition, we filtered out genes with poor ribosome coverage, in accordance with previous works5,12. Genes with fewer than 0.5 reads per nucleotide on average in prokaryotes and ...