Initiated in the late 1970s, China’s transition to a market economy marked the beginning of a period of “miracle growth”.Footnote1Between 1979 and 2018, the GDP grew at an average annual rate of 9.4%, contributing an average of 18% annually to global economic growth, and the government...
This text is structured along six core sections. It opens with an introduction to core theoretical concepts. I then provide a brief overview of Taiwan’s history to contextualise unresolved tensions, earlier TJ efforts and the newly set-up Transitional Justice Committee (TJC). In this, I will ...
was negatively related and Eros and Agape positively related to relationship quality. The pattern of results was broadly supportive of Lee’s theory.Jeffries(2000) conceptualised love as a multidimensional phenomenon comprising of five primary virtues (prudence, temperance, fortitude, justice, and ...
inclusive transitional justice. They cannot hence make decisions about the future that render them largely incapable of making optimal positive contributions. The four groups focused on in this study also qualify as necessity entrepreneurs and nascent entrepreneurs. The latter is a concept that loosely ...