Peter G. DanchinCambridge University PressYearbook of International Humanitarian LawDANCHIN, P., `Transitional Justice in Afghanistan: Confronting Violations of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law' (2001) 4 Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law 3...
crossing of the border » criteria) on the territory of a non-State party by non-State party nationals, with virtually zero chance of cooperation. If there was ever a time to explicitly challenge the Afghanistan understanding of the « interests of justice » in a request, it was now....
"Transitional Justice in Afghanistan: The Promise of Mixed Tribunals." Denver Journal of International Law and Policy 31, no. 23 (2002): 26-39.Dickinson.‘Transitional Justice in Afghanistan: The Promise of Mixed Tribunals’. Denver Journal of International Law and Policy . 2002...
in the context ofNew Labour's rhetoric of 'progress' and 'modernisation', as variants of older imperial themes. It will alsoconsider the implications of these constructions of 'democracy' and 'terrorism' for the incorporation oftransitional justice, development and human...
The Flaws of Transitional Justice in AfghanistanSchmidt, NikolaSchmitt, N. (2013). The Flaws of Transitional Justice in Afghanistan. Global Politics. Retrieved on July 10, 2013 justice-in-afghanistan....
Transitional JusticepeaceAfghanistanpeacebuildingWhat determines whether a nation is ready to confront its violent past? Is such a coming to terms necessary for peace and, if so, what should it entail and whendoi:10.2139/ssrn.2404400Kuovo, Sari...
Offering a comparative case study of transitional justice processes in Afghanistan and Nepal, this book critically evaluates the way the "local" is consulted in post-conflict efforts toward peace and reconciliation. It argues that there is a tendency in transitional justice efforts to contain the ...
Culture, Theatre and Justice: Examples from Afghanistan. In P. D. Rush and O. Simic (eds), The Arts of Transitional Justice: Culture, Activism, and Memory after Atrocity, pp. 113 -34. New York: Springer Series in Transitional Justice....
John Tyynela