In addition to university collaboration with existing CSIR laboratories, it was also desirable that CSIR would directly assist universities to set up their own facilities, without in any way trying to dictate policy to the academic colleagues. White saw the possibility of building up an Australian c...
The transition of a country or a whole society to sustainability is a long-term goal that involves a society’s willingness to carry out such a change and the governance structure to support it. Understanding the role of the governance structure in enabl
Female mice are often excluded from diet-induced obesity studies as they are more resistant to the obesifying effects of a high-fat diet (HFD). However, the underlying mechanisms behind this sex disparity may actually have important implications for the development and management of obesity in hum...
Decisions surrounding the permanent residential care placement of people living with dementia can be stressful and distressing; however, providing access to targeted information and support prior to placement may help carers better cope. This mixed methods study aimed to test the feasibility, acceptability...
During extension, the continental lithosphere thins and breaks up, forming either wide or narrow rifts depending on the thermo-mechanical state of the extending lithosphere. Wide continental rifts, which can reach 1,000 km across, have been extensivel
Reprints and permission information is available online at reprintsandpermissions/ How to cite this article: Flo´rez, L. V et al. Antibiotic-producing symbionts dynamically transition between plant pathogenicity and insect-defensive mutualism. Nat. Commun. 8, 15172 doi: ...
In the absence of external stimuli, neural activity continuously evolves from one configuration to another. Whether these transitions or explorations follow some underlying arrangement or lack a predictable ordered plan remains to be determined. Here, us
Alternatively, cells were subjected to increased hydrostatic force. The proteolytic profile and epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) were investigated using zymography and real-time qPCR. The EMT markers assessed were Snail-1, Snail-2, N-cadherin, Twist and vimentin. Invasion was investigated in ...
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Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture, School of Humanities & Languages, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia 2 Business School, Torrens University, Wakefield Street, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia 3 Modern Money Lab, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia * Author to whom correspondence should be ...