A transistor switchis a circuit in which the collector of the transistor is switched ON/OFF with relatively larger current in response to a correspondingly switching low current ON/OFF signal at its base emitter. As an example, the followingBJT configuration can be used as a switchfor inverting...
A circuit diagram has at least one electronic switch comprising an arrangement of parallel, series and/or anti-serial circuited transistors (M), which are 'triggered' quasi-powerless, in which these transistors (M) are driven via one or more assigned drive circuits (A) with low power demand,...
1. A small electronic device containing a semiconductor and having at least three electrical contacts, used in a circuit as an amplifier, detector, or switch. 2. Any of various devices serving the same purpose but employing a different technology: an optical transistor. 3. A transistor radio....
modes, active region, saturation region, and cut-off region. In the active region, the transistor works as an amplifier. As a transistor switch, it operates in two regions and those areSaturation Region(fully-ON) and theCut-off Region(fully-OFF). Thetransistor as a switch circuit diagramis...
•TransistorscannotswitchACorhighvoltages(suchasmainselectricity)andtheyarenotusuallyagoodchoiceforswitchinglargecurrents(>5A).• Inthesecasesarelaywillbeneeded,butnotethatalowpowertransistormaystillbeneededtoswitchthecurrentfortherelay'scoil!AdvantagesandDisadvantagesofRelays Advantagesofrelays:••••...
Therefore, the entire Vcc voltage appears across the collector. But, because of the reverse bias of the collector-emitter region, the current cannot flow through the device. Hence, it behaves as an OFF switch. The circuit diagram of a transistor in the cut-off region is as shown in the ...
5a). The largest circuit in this chip is a four-bit row decoder (Fig. 5b), which integrates 88 transistors, in four inverters and a NOR array, with the output of the inverter serving as one of the inputs for the NOR gate. The circuit diagram (Fig. 5c) is configured such that any...
Diodes ensure current flows in only one direction, helping to stabilize the circuit. Figure 1. This diagram shows a two-input TTL NAND gate with four transistors: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4; four resistors: R1, R2, R3 and R4; and a diode: D. Q1 is the input transistor. Q2 functions as a...
The MOSFET operates as a switch when it shifts between linear and cutoff modes. The transistor may act as an amplifier in the circuit as shown in Figure 1.9. Sign in to download full-size image Figure 1.9. An nMOS transistor in a circuit acting as an amplifier. In this simple circuit, ...
As well as being used as a semiconductor switch to turn load currents “ON” or “OFF” by controlling the Base signal to the transistor in ether its saturation or cut-off regions, Bipolar NPN Transistorscan also be used in its active region to produce a circuit which will amplify any ...