PNP-transistor works as a switch: The Emitter potential for aPNPtransistor needs to be positive with respect to the Base. The transistor then functions as a solid-state "single-pole single-throw"(SPST)switch. The transistor becomes "OFF," operating like an open switch when a zero signal is...
modes, active region, saturation region, and cut-off region. In the active region, the transistor works as an amplifier. As a transistor switch, it operates in two regions and those areSaturation Region(fully-ON) and theCut-off Region(fully-OFF). Thetransistor as a switch circuit diagramis...
The MOSFET as a Switch We saw previously, that the N-channel, Enhancement-mode MOSFET (e-MOSFET) operates using a positive input voltage and has an extremely high input resistance (almost infinite) making it possible to interface with nearly any logic gate or driver capable of producing a pos...
A transistor switchis a circuit in which the collector of the transistor is switched ON/OFF with relatively larger current in response to a correspondingly switching low current ON/OFF signal at its base emitter. As an example, the followingBJT configuration can be used as a switchfor inverting...
1. A semiconductor device used, as a rectifier, amplifier or switch. 2. A semiconductor used as an amplifier or a switching device. Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new th...
Iftheloadisamotor,relayorsolenoid(oranyotherdevicewithacoil)adiodemustbeconnectedacrosstheloadtoprotectthetransistorfromthebriefhighvoltageproducedwhentheloadisswitchedoff.WhentoUseaRelay •TransistorscannotswitchACorhighvoltages(suchasmainselectricity)andtheyarenotusuallyagoodchoiceforswitchinglargecurrents(>5A)....
Energy band diagram for a p–n–p transistor. Another kind of transistor, known as a field-effect transistor, has found many applications, often replacing the more conventional junction transistors. As illustrated in Figure 10.10 for an n-type semiconductor, electrons flow in a conducting channel...
When using as a switch the current ratio for saturationIC/IB=20/1is required. ∴ Ic= 20×((Vin-VBE)/R1 )- (VBE/R2 ))・・・(2) Replace the hfe in (1) with 20/1. Calculations are carried out taking into account variations. ...
A circuit diagram has at least one electronic switch comprising an arrangement of parallel, series and/or anti-serial circuited transistors (M), which are 'triggered' quasi-powerless, in which these transistors (M) are driven via one or more assigned drive circuits (A) with low power demand,...
Figure 1. Drain current (a) and transconductance, drain conductance, and capacitance (b) as function of gate-source voltage of a thin-film transistor. Subthreshold swing, on/off current ratio, and threshold voltage stability are the most important parameters for digital logic. Transconductance and...