A transistor switchis a circuit in which the collector of the transistor is switched ON/OFF with relatively larger current in response to a correspondingly switching low current ON/OFF signal at its base emitter. As an example, the followingBJT configuration can be used as a switchfor inverting...
Image used courtesy of Simon Munyua Mugo The PNP transistor equation for the calculation of the collector current, base resistance, and voltages is still the same as used in the NPN calculations. The difference is the switching current. For PNP, the switching current is the sourcing current. ...
as a switch, which can turn a signal on or off. Since computers operate inbinary, and a transistor's "on" or "off" state can represent a 1 or 0, transistors are suitable for performing mathematical calculations. A series of transistors may also be used as alogic gatewhen performing ...
A.C. Feedback Thermal Feedback Video Amplifier Differential Amplifier CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio Gain Bandwidth Product Miller Effect Bypassing Supply Rail High Frequency Compensation Input Impedance Output Impedance Useful transistor links: Introduction The transistor as a switch Meter check of ...
When using as a switch the current ratio for saturationIC/IB=20/1is required. ∴ Ic= 20×((Vin-VBE)/R1 )- (VBE/R2 ))・・・(2) Replace the hfe in (1) with 20/1. Calculations are carried out taking into account variations. ...
The BJT Transistor as a Switch To use a bipolar junction transistor as a switch, use the common emitter configuration: Emitter: Connected to the ground (0V reference). Collector: Connected to the load (e.g., a lamp). Base: Connected to the control signal (e.g., push button, microcontr...
A transistor works best as a switch when it is connected with a common emitter configuration, meaning the emitter of the BJT must be always connected directly with "ground" line. Here the "ground" refers to the negative line for an NPN and the positive line for a PNP BJT. ...
Browse through our collection of transistor circuits which give the circuits, design details, formulas for calculations as well as tips and guidelines for for the best operation.
The three terminal npn bipolar junction transistor (BJT) in the active region of operation could implement F exponential and [F.sup.-1] logarithmical building blocks in a similar connection as in Fig. A unitary view toward analog weighting/amplifying F-[F.sup.-1] cells/F-[F.sup.-1] fun...
"Boolean XOR" switch (Image credit: Robert Coolman) Understanding that XOR behavior is what enables us to "carry the 10" when doing addition, it becomes clear why signal-triggered switches are so vital to computation. Similar circuits can be constructed for all sorts of calculations, including ...