内容提示: Transformer based trajectory predictionAleksey Postnikov 1,2 Aleksander Gamayunov 1,2 Gonzalo Ferrer 2∗ †AbstractTo plan a safe and eff i cient route, an autonomous vehicle should anticipate futuremotions of other agents around it. Motion prediction is an extremely challengingtask ...
之前介绍过不少trajectory prediction和planning的论文,主要是LSTM、GAN、attention mechanism、GNN、transformer和reinforcement learning等方法,这里再加几篇transformer方法的论文。 arXiv 2003.08111论文“Transformer networks for trajectory forecasting”,作者来自意大利两所大学。 讨论了Transformer Network (TF) 和 Bidirectio...
6第1个transformer:intention prediction 7第2个transformer:trajectory prediction 8 实验结果 9 总结 本篇文章是对于Dual Transformer Based Prediction for Lane Change Intentions and Trajectories in Mixed Traffic Environment的笔记。 省流版: 文章主要介绍了一种双transformer架构,用于提高自动驾驶车辆的意图预测和轨迹...
TrajectoFormer: Transformer-Based Trajectory Prediction of Autonomous Vehicles with Spatio-temporal Neighborhood Considerationsdoi:10.1007/s44196-024-00410-1Accurate trajectory prediction of autonomous vehicles is crucial for ensuring road safety. Predicting precise and accurate trajectories...
A Transformer-based Trajectory Prediction Method for a Near-space Flight Vehicle The accurate prediction of trajectories for near-space flight vehicles is crucial for effective defense strategies. A transformer-based method aimed at enh... L Ouyang,T Zheng,X Xu,... - Chinese Control Conference 被...
[12]G. Xie, A. Shangguan, F. Rong, W. Ji, M. Weigang, and X. Hei, “Motion trajectory prediction based on a cnn-lstm sequential model,” Science China Information Sciences, 2020.22 - End -
Tab.3 Average error of trajectory prediction for models trained with different trajectory numbers 单位:km 4 结束语 本文以高超声速飞行器气动特性为基础,利用Transformer模型,提出了一种基于控制变量估计的轨迹生成与预测模型PE-Transformer...
***授 RESEARCHONVEHICLETRAJECTORY PREDICTIONBASEDONTHEIMPROVED TRANSFORMERMODEL AThesisSubmittedto SoutheastUniversity FortheAcademicDegreeofMasterof Engineering BY ZHAOJingwen Supervisedby Prof.ZHANGWeigong SchoolofInstrumentScienceandEngineering SoutheastUniversity June2022 摘要 为了在复杂的道路交通场景中安全高效地...
在右边这种中,当前state的各维度跟之前state的相同维度响应较大,当前action跟之前的action响应较大(作者说让人联想起trajectory optimization algorithms中的action smoothing,不明觉厉,我只觉得像action sticking,哈哈哈)。 Offline RL 对比了Offline RL的SOTA method CQL,behavior cloning(BC),以及model-based方法MOPO和...
基于上述观点,我们提出 Transformer-based Graph Convolution(TGConv), TGConv本质上是一种基于注意力的图卷积机制,类似于GATConv[44],但具有由transformer提供的更好的注意力机制。 对于一个任意的graph 其中 是节点集合,and 假设每个节点与 相关联。 对于节点i来说,图卷积操作可被写为 ...