SERUM IRON CONCENTRATION (SI) AND TRANSFERRIN SATURATION (SAT) ARE LOWER IN NORMAL CHILDREN THAN IN ADULTSdoi:10.1203/00006450-197704000-00621Low SI or low Sat without anemia is often equated with latent iron deficiency. Several studies have suggested that the SI and Sat may be lower in ...
Normal values of TIBC range from 240-450 mcg/dL (43-80.6 umol/L). The serum iron level divided by the total iron binding capacity multiplied by 100 gives a transferrin saturation level. Calculated percentages normally range from 15% to 50%. Patients with anemia would have a percentage that...
Lennartsson J, Bengtsson C, Hallberg L, et al: Serum iron and transferrin saturation in women with special reference to women with low transferrin saturation. The population study of women in Goteborg 1968-1969. Scand J Haematol 23:182-196, 1979...
SERUM IRON CONCENTRATION (SI) AND TRANSFERRIN SATURATION (SAT) ARE LOWER IN NORMAL CHILDREN THAN IN ADULTSPediatric Research publishes original papers, invited reviews, and commentaries on the etiologies of diseases of children and disorders of development, extending from molecular biology to epidemiology...
At low transferrin saturation, the first mechanism is quantitatively most important, at high transferrin saturation the latter mechanism becomes more significant. A mechanism whereby transferrin-bound iron is not endocytosed but reduced at and translocated through the plasma membrane has also been invoked...
In addition to the density of TRs on the tumor cell surface, the efficacy of Tf-toxin conjugate is influenced both by the Tf-iron saturation state and by the presence of free diferric Tf in the tumor microenvironment. The affinity of Tf-Saporin (Tf-SO6) to TR was greatly diminished whe...
iron-binding capacity and summing these values. The percentage saturation of transferrin with iron is calculated by dividing the serum iron concentration by the TIBC and multiplying by 100. Serum TIBC is low-normal or decreased in association with inflammatory disorders (Feldmanet al., 1981b;Otten...
Los sitios de unión en la transferrina en circunstancias normales no están por completo ocupados o saturados. Literature Both groups had detectable levels of labile plasma iron and non-transferrin bound iron (NTBI) where there was a situation of transferrin saturation. Ambos grupos present...
Levels of serum iron, total iron binding capacity, transferrin saturation fraction and packed cell volume of blood donors in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. Pakistan J Nutri. 2008; 7 :500–2.Akpotuzor J, Isong C, Okpokam O, Etukudo M. Levels of serum iron, total iron binding ...
In healthy individuals, Tf concentration in the blood plasma is approximately 2.5 g/l, presenting a typical iron saturation of 30% [45], [46]. The protein half-life in circulation is close to 8 days, but the half-life for iron recycling is only 2 hours [43], [45], [47]. This me...