A unilateral transfer is a type of payment or aid from one party to another that doesn't require anything in return. A government can make a unilateral transfer to its citizens, in the form of economic stimulus, or social security, or to another country in the form of humanitarian or mili...
Internet users have the choice between several machine translation services that can automatically translate a given text or website in another language. Google Translate is one of the most popular services of this kind. It allows web users to translate text or websites into 51 languages. The ...
all right, title and interest in and to theAUSServices and theAlipaybranding and logo, including the rights to all related Intellectual Property. Subject to the terms of your Agreement and, as the case may be, any agreement betweenAUSand the owner of the relevant ...
一个将数据表指定字段的内容自动翻译为英/中文的自动翻译器,使用百度翻译开放平台API。百度翻译开放平台接入标准版服务的 QPS(每秒请求量)=1,如需更大频率,请先进行身份认证,认证通过后可切换为高级版(适用于个人,QPS=10)或尊享版(适用于企业,QPS=100); ...
Syntax and Meaning as Sensuous, Visual, Historical forms of Algebraic Thinking Before the advent of symbolism, i.e. before the end of the 16th Century, algebraic calculations were made using natural language. Through a kind of metapho... L Radford,L Puig - 《Educational Studies in Mathematics...
{\delta }}}{{{\bf{Z}}}^{-}\), and \({{{\rm{\delta }}}{{{\bf{Z}}}^{-}\) does not represent a kind of waves but a kind of anomalous fluctuations propagating in the same direction as \({{{\rm{\delta }}}{{{\bf{Z}}}^{+}\). The co-traveling \({{{\rm{\delta...
In this section, we assume that the two countries' corporate tax rates are exogenously given such as t1 > t2, meaning that the MNE in Country 1 has an incentive to manipulate its internal transfer price to avoid tax payments. We also assume throughout this section that the MNE has al...
中国大学生英语口语中母语迁移对动—名搭配的影响-the influence of mother tongue transfer on verb-noun collocation in chinese college students oral english.docx,AbstractThepresentstudyinvestigatestheL1influenceontheuseofEnglishverb-nouncollocationsbyChinese
Therefore, it is difficult to understand such short texts through their literal meaning, and hard to collect enough labeled training data. Adopting deep learning methods in this field of NER may lead to poor model generalization and unstable performance. Transfer learning focuses on knowledge transfer...
Practitioners believe that the inordinate spending on learning is based on the belief that workplace training is a major lever for organizational performance, competitiveness, and innovation [3,4], and that an investment of this kind will pay off in improved financial results [5,6]. In addition...