Protocol Scaling Up or Down Transfections Related Product Information Lipofectamine Reagents Opti-MEM Media siRNA Introduction Invitrogen™ Lipofectamine™ 2000 is a proprietary formulation for the transfection of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) into eukaryotic cells providing the fo...
protocol and well-known ability to work across several applications. Transfection conditions can be easily established for high-throughput applications involving automated or robotic systems. Lipofectamine 2000 is the best choice for establishing stable cell lines and the transfection of neuronal cells. It...
We tend to follow the protocol provided, which is simple and easy to follow. We have found that it is necessary to change the media after 5-6 hours to prevent toxic effect on the cells, despite this being an optional step. Phillipa Campbell Research Scholar School of Molecular and ...
仅供研究使用。不得用于人或动物的治疗或诊断。 内容及储存 置于+4°C保存。Lipofectamine™ 2000试剂正确储存时可稳定保存6个月。 产品说明书下载链接
本人用的是Invitrogen公司的Lipofectamine2000在24孔板转染单层贴壁细胞。(别的方法可以参考生产商提供的protocol) 1、转染前1天将0.5~2×105细胞接种于24孔培养板,并加入500ul不含抗生素的完全培养基,以保证转染时细胞汇合达90~95%。 2、准备复合物 (1)将0.8ug DNA稀释于50ul无血清无抗生素的培养液中轻轻浑匀。
PROTOCOL & APPLICATION NOTES Relative Surface Areas Of Tissue Culture Vessels Surface Areas Of Tissue Culture Vessels Tubes Recommended For Use With Lipofectamine™ 2000 Optimizing Plasmid DNA Transfections With Lipofectamine™ 2000 Transfection Protocols Co-Transfection Of Sirna And Plasmid DNA Transfectio...
lipofectaminetransfectionreagenttransfectionsplasmidcells Tip:1.Tosearchthenote,pressCTRL-Fkeysincombination2.Tonavigatethenote,usethelinks.Lipofectamine™2000TransfectionReagentWewanttohearfromyou!ClickhereTABLEOFCONTENTSPRODUCTDESCRIPTIONSHIPPINGCONDITIONSSTORAGECONDITIONSSTABILITYQCSPECIFICATIONSPROTOCOL&APPLICATIONNOTESRela...
Fact sheet | Greener by design Lipofectamine 2000, 3000, MessengerMAX, and RNAiMAX Transfection Reagents Responsibly packaged: no dry or gel ice; no expanded polystyrene (EPS) coolers Learn more at Introduction We are committed to designing our products with the...
2000 - CA n.d. (accessed November 6, 2024). Rybakovsky E, Valenzano MC, DiGuilio KM, Buleza NB, Moskalenko DV, Harty RN, et al. Improving transient transfection efficiency...
本人用的是Invitrogen公司的Lipofectamine2000在24孔板转染单层贴壁细胞。(别的方法可以参考生产商提供的protocol) 1、转染前1天将0.5~2×105细胞接种于24孔培养板,并加入500ul不含抗生素的完全培养基,以保证转染时细胞汇合达90~95%。 2、准备复合物 (1)将0.8ug DNA稀释于50ul无血清无抗生素的培养液中轻轻浑匀。