The FACT (FAcilitates Chromatin Transactions) complex is enriched on highly expressed genes, where it facilitates transcription while maintaining chromatin structure. How it is targeted to these regions is unknown. In vitro, FACT binds destabilized nucleosomes, supporting the hypothesis that FACT is tar...
GenesAlleles白细胞介素10单元型基因等位基因Interleukin-10 (IL10) is a cytokine with key regulatory and anti-inflammatory function involved in the pathogenesis of various diseases. Although the large interindividual differences in the production of IL10 have been extensively associated with polymorphisms ...
Interference in transcription of overexpressed genes by promoter-proximal downstream sequences A. Turchinovich, H. M. Surowy, A. G. Tonevitsky & B. Burwinkel Scientific Reports volume 6, Article number: 30735 (2016) Cite this article 3677 Accesses 8 Citations 1 Altmetric Metrics details ...
Our results suggest that a subset of gene expression changes may be more predictive of ultimate phenotypes than the number of genes affected or the total fraction of variation in gene expression variation explained by causative variants, and that the downstream phenotype is buffered against variation ...
The overall goals of this study were two-fold: first we characterize the genetic architecture of transcription at key genes associated with muscle function in early life history stage Atlantic salmon and, second, we test for population-level differences in that genetic architecture. Our understanding...
We recently discovered that YhaJ of Escherichia coli is crucial for virulence in two different pathotypes but binds to distinct regions of their genomes and regulates no common genes. This surprising result leads to strain-specific mechanisms of virulence regulation, but the implications for other E...
The integration of different TFs allows specificity for different target genes. This complex is not only required for the regulation of the proanthocyanidin biosynthesis, but also plays a role in the development of trichomes and root hairs. (4) MYBs are breeding targets Post: MYBs are the ...
The post- and preembedding ultrastructural localization of transcribing rRNA genes has been carried out in nucleoli of permeabilized onion growing root tip protoplasts by means of the nonisotopic bromouridine method. By means of both post- and preembedding approaches, major synthetic sites were identif...
Lastly, we identify the enriched cell types, candidate causal variants and genes, and cell type-specific regulatory mechanism underlying GWAS loci. Conclusions Overall, genetic effects on gene regulation are highly context dependent. Our results suggest that cell type-dependent genetic effect is driven...
the number of introns is also larger than in other known firefly genomes, as well as other reference insect genomes used in this study (Supplementary Table5). This is expected, as these two parameters are correlated12. In summary, 14,874 genes (90.30%) were functionally annotated using at ...