Abstract Phosphorus plays a pivotal role in plant growth and development. In this study, we isolated and characterized GmPTF1, a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor (TF) gene from soybean (Glycine max) with tolerance to inorganic phosphate (Pi) starvation. Alignment analysis indicat...
The gene is homologous to the uncharacterised Escherichia coli gene yaeQ . YaeQ did not increase hlyCABD -encoded hemolysin activity in the RfaH + wild type, nor did it increase the level of RfaH protein. YaeQ also complements a rfaH ::Tn 5 null mutation, indicating that it compensate...
various aspects of male reproductive system development and/or sex-specific behaviours. Examining the role of thedmd-1-positive neurons will be an important direction for future research. This work provides evidence for a conserved role of the DM domain gene family in sexual development in lophot...
That, he reflected, might almost have been atranscriptionfrom one of the Party textbooks. 他想, 这句话简直像从党的教科书里抄下来的. 辞典例句 In this paper we mainly described the progress on thetranscriptionfactor DREB gene in plant.
Delineating Gene Regions It seems that the more scientists learn about the genome andgene expression, the less they seem to be able to identify the point along a stretch of nucleotides at which a single gene actually begins and ends; indeed, it appears to be increasingly more difficult to det...
It has been a long-held view that regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes occurs predominantly at the transcriptional level. GRF (Growth-regulating factor) and GIF (GRF-interacting factor) proteins are putative novel transcriptional regulators and coactivators which form protein complexes and are in...
The modified forms of Elf3 were used to analyze the contribution of each domain to DNA binding and the activation of gene expression. Our work demonstrates that three regions of Elf3, in addition to its DNA binding domain (ETS domain), influence Elf3 binding to DNA, including the ...
MYB transcription factors are one of the largest gene family in plants and control many processes. This repository provides additional background to the #MYB_Monday posts. #MybMonday is maintained by the PuckerLab. Introduction The MYB transcription factors from one of the largest transcription facto...
Atlantic salmon have been subject to domestication for approximately ten generations, beginning in the early 1970s. This process of artificial selection will have created various genetic differences between wild and farmed stocks. Each year, hundreds of
Ggene is presumably structured into 24 exons, likewise the gene present in theL. migratoriagenome30. TheB-CAP-Gpseudogene found in B24 variant (Torrox), however, lacks the last five 3′ exons (exons 20–24; Fig.2). This is shown by the coverage pattern of the genomic reads from a 4B...