定义Transaction/Event keys 其实Tran./Event Key这个东东只是一个代码,主要是用来通过OBYC和科目关联 定义Transaction/Event keys 只要定义一个Tran./Event Key,之后OBYC画面就可以看到了。 Transaction Key updated Nov 28, 2009 4:55 am | 8,400 views Transaction Key In SAP the subject topic is refered to ...
sap 自动记帐的Transaction-key.doc,OBYC中的Transaction key详细解释以及用法-Group(RMK) The following list shows the individual transactions with examples of how they are used: Agency business: income (AG1) This transaction can be used in agency business fo
1. Create an SAP shortcut on the desktop. Choose 'Transaction' as type, input the Tcode,system, client, login id, password, etc. 2. Upload this shortcut file to MIME repository of your WebDynpro. Find its path in the server. 3. Create a new action, write the code as below. 1 ...
transaction记帐keysapsettlementrebate OBYC中的Transactionkey详细解释 以及用法-Group(RMK) Thefollowinglistshowstheindividualtransactionswithexamplesofhowtheyareused: Agencybusiness:income(AG1) Thistransactioncanbeusedinagencybusinessforincomederivingfromcommission ...
Steps to find a table behind any SAP T.Code In this example, we are finding a table behind a Sales Order. Step 1:Enter the T.CodeST05in the command box to activate the Trace. Step 2:In theST05PerformanceTracescreen, select theActivate Tracebutton. ...
Using Transaction STRUSTSSO2 in SAP System >= 4.6C ProcedureDownload the public-key certificate of the Portal ServerUse the Keystore Administration functions of the SAP NetWeaver Administrator to download the verify.der file from the portal.
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, FIN (Finance) Dear All, I want to add general modified in rules of transaction key FR1? as per standard SAP, we have debit/credit, valuation modifier and valuation classes are there. is there any possibility to add, because as per our client i have to as...
This transaction can be used in agency business if turnover (business volume) postings are activated in Customizing for the payment types. The account key is specified in Customizing for the billing type. Agency business: expense (AG3)
Transaction attributes specify the type of transaction, the object type it targets, the key property of the transaction, and the transaction’s name and display name. There are also type-specific attributes for the different transaction types. Review the information on the specific transaction types...
Solved: Hi Experts, I am in need to create a new Transaction key in OBYC (MM - FI integration). kindly provide the procedure please. Regards Kuldeep Dubey