第一种方式:在portal中创建带有TCode的iview,在webdynpro中调用该iview。可参考以下链接,说明很详细,还带有图片。 http://www.saptechnical.com/Tutorials/WebDynproABAP/SAPGUI/Index.htm 第二种方式:在桌面建立一个sap的shortcut,配置好相关信息后,把该文件上传至MIME repository,然后webdynpro中直接打开该文件。
为维护视图创建事物码(Transaction code) SAP的后台配置都可以转换成前台操作,转换的形式可以是单独的事物码、SM30维护视图、SM34维护视图簇等几种,这样也便于批处理配置操作,参见《后台配置转至前台操作》、《以维护视图或视图簇的方式进行配置》。 出于更加简洁及权限管理的需求,对于SM30、SM34面向视图或视图簇的操...
What is transaction code in SAP?Transaction code shortly known as tcode, is a shortcut code to access different functional areas in SAP. It avoid users from long menu path to reach a report. Instead of that users can type the corresponding transaction code and press enter, the corresponding...
SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.What is transaction code in SAP?Transaction code shortly known as tcode, is a shortcut code to...
transcation data 是业务运行时产生的动态数据,如在超市里面某种矿泉水什么时候有卖出,每次客户买了多少。 transaction code 是指事物代码,你可以理解为要运行的程序或功能的缩略代码。 master data 是指业务主数据,相对来说是比较静态的数据,变化比较少,如商品的名称,产地,价格等。三个是不同的...
OSS Note 0026171 has additional information on OKCodes in SAP, and is a very useful read BASIS/ABAP USMMPressing F8 will display all hotpacks applied. SEARCH_SAP_MENUShow the menu path to use to execute a given tcode. You can search by transaction code or menu text. ...
SAP Transaction Code Customer XD01 CreateCustomer(Centrally) XD02 ChangeCustomer(Centrally) XD03 DisplayCustomer(Centrally) ...
i installed SAP NETWEAVER 4.7. in SAPMMC, all components are running. how can i enter transaction code. let me know the path!
ABAP developers frequently run into the problem of how to retrieve data behind the SAP FBL5N transaction code. Find out how in this article.
All Standard reports under one transaction code SAP1 MTerence Active Contributor 2016 Feb 14 12:04 PM 16 Kudos 62,915 SAP Managed Tags: PLM Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)/Plant Maintenance (PM) Reporting is one the important features in SAP. SAP has built lot of standard ...