commit transcation :SQL多步操作之后,提交事务,此时数据才真正保存到数据库 rollback transcation:SQL多步操作发生错误,调用此语句,数据回滚到最初始状态。
---每运行一次begin transaction语句就会使此变量的值加1,每运行一次commit tran会使 ---事务总数减1,但只要运行一次rollback tran,所有事务会回滚
syntaxsql 複製 -- Applies to Synpase Data Warehouse in Microsoft Fabric, Azure Synapse Analytics and Parallel Data Warehouse Database COMMIT [ TRAN | TRANSACTION ] [ ; ] 注意 若要檢視 SQL Server 2014 (12.x) 和舊版的 Transact-SQL 語法,請參閱 舊版檔。
ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statements in triggers terminate the batch containing the statement that fired the trigger; subsequent statements in the batch aren't executed.The effect of a ROLLBACK on cursors is defined by these three rules:With CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT set ON, ROLLBACK closes, but doesn...
ROLLBACK TRANSACTION <savepoint_name>不会递减@@TRANCOUNT。 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION无法在分布式事务中引用以显式BEGIN DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTION方式启动或从本地事务升级的savepoint_name。 执行语句后COMMIT TRANSACTION,无法回滚事务,除非与COMMIT TRANSACTION正在回滚的事务中包含的嵌套事务相关联。 在此实例中,即使已为其...
Issuing aCOMMIT TRANSACTIONwhen@@TRANCOUNTis zero results in an error; there's no correspondingBEGIN TRANSACTION. You can't roll back a transaction after aCOMMIT TRANSACTIONstatement is issued, because the data modifications were made a permanent part of the database. ...
1--注意如果在事务完成后继续执行后续命令需要在事务结束语句(commit transaction或rollback transaction)后面添加GO语句23SETXACT_ABORTON--当为ON时,如果你存储中的某个地方出了问题,整个事务中的语句都会回滚4--为OFF时,只回滚错误的地方5USETRANSACTIONTESTDB6GO7BEGINTRAN8INSERTINTOdbo.Parts(PartNo,PartName,Un...
Issuing a COMMIT TRANSACTION when @@TRANCOUNT is zero results in an error; there's no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION. You can't roll back a transaction after a COMMIT TRANSACTION statement is issued, because the data modifications were made a permanent part of the database. The Database Engine...
You can set the TransactionOption property on your package or on specific containers to Required and this will enlist them in a distributed transaction by installing the OraMTS. You can find more information on the features in SSIS from this link:
To roll back the logical operation, the reverse logical operation is performed. Before and after image logged To roll forward the operation, the after image is applied. To roll back the operation, the before image is applied.Many types of operations are recorded in the transaction log. These ...