uvm中transaction作用In the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM), a transaction denotes a structured data entity utilized for representing an individual unit of activity within a design or testbench. Such transactions are instrumental in modeling the interaction between distinctponents of the design, ...
uvm_transaction——事物 文件: src/base/uvm_transaction.svh 类: uvm_transaction uvm_transaction继承自uvm_object,添加了timing和recording接口,该类是uvm_sequence_item的基类。这个类提供了时间戳属性(timestamp properties),通知事件(notification events),和交易记录(transaction recording)支持。其子类uvm_sequence_...
2)在使用这两个任务前,必须要先实例化transaction后才能调用这两个任务; 3)可以在transactin实例化后,finish_item调用前对其进行随机化; 4)uvm_do系列宏其实是将上面四个步骤封装在这个宏中。 5)start_item(tr, 100)和finish_item(tr, 100)可以指定transaction的优先级,默认的优先级是-1。 第五种:使用pre_...
UART UVM验证平台平台搭建总结 2016-05-15 17:57 − tb_top是整个UVM验证平台的最顶层;tb_top中例化dut,提供时钟和复位信号,定义接口以及设置driver和monitor的virual interface,在intial中调用ru... dpc525 0 7085 UVM学习笔记1 2017-04-12 17:14 − 一个类,只定义了而没有实例化,是没有任何意...
There has been a split in UVM – how to create a sequence item class? Having worked for the big 3 EDA companies and supported many customers, I’ve seen both sides. Let’s explore the two leading flavors, chocolate and vanilla, and have a look a new one. This post assumes you know...
In addition to the class based modeling abstractions, the UVM provides macros (commonly known as the field automation macros) to automate the recording of transaction attributes. Unfortunately this layered transaction model is overly complicated, hard to understand, and confusing to use. It should be...
(UVM) library, an Open Verification Methodology (OVM) library, an Advanced Verification Methodology (AVM) library, a Verification Methodology Manual (VMM) library, or the like, can be utilized as a base for creating the test bench304and simulating the circuit design302. In some embodiments, ...
3.1 derived from uvm_sequence_item base class built-in support for stimulus creation,printing,comparing,etc. 3.2 properties should be public by default must be visible to contraints in other classes 3.3 properties should be rand by default
+UVM_VERDI_TRACE=UVM_AWARE+RAL+TLM+MSG+HIER+PRINT 否则使用的是VC的环境抓取,而不是Verdi环境。(Verdi Transaction debug) 门控时钟 时钟门控如果仅仅使用一个与门操作,则在复位毛刺出现以后,导致时钟毛刺,导致时序错误。 为了解决复位毛刺,引入锁存器、寄存器的方案。不管引入何种方案,都会引入额外的竞争冒险。