我们在sequence中往driver发包时,最常用的方法就是使用uvm_do()系列宏,偶尔会使用方法start_item()和finish_item()的组合,极个别场景下会 使用`uvm_create()和`uvm_send()宏,极极个别场景下还会看到create_item()方法的使用,这些宏和方法有什么区别,各自使用场景有什么局限和注意事项,他们分别定义在了UVM源代码...
`uvm_warning("COMPARE","t2 is not equal t1") end else begin `uvm_info("COMPARE","t2 is equal t1",UVM_LOW) end //TODO-2.3 //uvm_default_comparer (uvm_comparer type) is the default UVM global comparer, //you would set its property like 'show_max' to ask more of the comparison ...
在UVM中的class主要指的就是最常用的他们:uvm_component,uvm_sequence_item。 01 uvm_component中get_name系列小函数 比如在UVM验证平台中,我们在这样的一个class中调用这几个函数,代码如下: classjerry_componentextendsuvm_component; … $display(“%0s”,get_name()); $display(“%0s”,get_full_name())...
This is an extension of uvm_object and includes a timing and recording interface. Note that simple transactions can be derived from uvm_transaction, but sequence-enabled transactions must be derived from uvm_sequence_item. 类继承自uvm_object,包括timing and recording interface。请注意,简单事务可以从...
function void bus2reg(uvm_sequence_item bus_item, ref uvm_reg_bus_op rw); mcdf_bus_trans t; if(!$cast(t, bus_item)) begin //父类转换为子类 `uvm_fatal("NOT_MCDF_BUS_TYPE", "Provided bus_item is not of the correct type") ...
// Returns the item with the given ~key~. // If no item exists by that key, a new item is created with that key // and returned. virtual function T get (KEY key); if (!pool.exists(key)) begin T default_value; pool[key] = default_value; ...
not get vif") uvm_config_db#(virtual des_if)::set(this, "e0.a0.*", "des_if", vif); // Setp pattern queue and place into config db uvm_config_db#(bit[`LENGTH-1:0])::set(this, "*", "ref_pattern", pattern); // Create sequence and randomise it seq = ...
UVM_FATAL verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src/base/uvm_component.svh(1744) @ 0: fifo_wr[0] [CLDEXT] Name ‘fifo_wr[0]’ is not unique to other top-level instances. If parent is a module, build a unique name by combining the the module name and component name: $sformatf(“%m.%s”,“fifo...
① 属性覆盖前提 : 在父类中使用 open 修饰的属性 , 可以在子类中被覆盖 ;
if(is_active==UVM_ACTIVE)begin driver.seq_item_port.connect(sequencer.seq_item_export); end endfunction:connect 根据配置决定是否vif和driver、sequencer之间的连接 functionvoidapb_master_agent::assign_vi(virtualapb_ifvif); monitor.vif=vif;