弹道预览 Trajectory Preview Mod 弹道预览模组(Trajectory Preview)是一款非常小巧简单而且轻量级的模组,它是匠魂2(Tinkers’ Construct 2),里面主要添加了可以帮助玩家进行可配置的视觉效果,并且显示抛射物的弹道轨迹,这款模组不仅支持雪球、原版弓、鸡蛋、药水、末影珍珠、弩和三叉戟,而且对匠魂2中的长弓、短弓、十字...
Trajectory Preview是一款简单轻量的客户端模组,可以帮助玩家以可配置的视觉效果显示抛射物的弹道轨迹,支持末影珍珠、雪球、鸡蛋、药水、原版弓、弩以及三叉戟(仅1.15+支持),对匠魂2的长弓、短弓、十字弓(上弹时显示渐远的弹道,无明显意义)亦有特别支持。 该模组提供的API可以方便其他模组作者对其物品添加额外的弹道...
Given the problems that truck platoons are prone to rollover and loss of control when driving in curves under high-speed driving conditions, this paper proposes a curve-following control method for truck platoons based on trajectory preview. This method achieves stable following of the pilot vehicle...
Trajectory Master it's a simple hyper casual game. Drag the finger on the screen to aim towards obstacles. Release your finger to shoot the ball and destroy…
Kinematica 0.4.0-preview Unity.Kinematica ActionTask Binary Binary.CodeBook Binary.CodeBook.Encoding Binary.CodeBookIndex Binary.Interval Binary.IntervalIndex Binary.Marker Binary.MarkerIndex Binary.MetricIndex Binary.PoseFragm...
It deals with the use of Universal Motion and Automation Controller UMAC based on preview control method to give good trajectory tracking performance of 3-axis servo system. The subject of this paper is to study and design space object trajectory tracking controller based on optimal preview method...
This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. Similar content being viewed by others Designing Complex Interplanetary Trajectories for the Global Trajectory Optimization Competitions Chapter © 2016 Search-Trajectory Optimization: Part II, Algorithms and ...
This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. Similar content being viewed by others The role of clinical phenotypes in decisions to limit life-sustaining treatment for very old patients in the ICU Article Open access 10 May 2023 Limiting life-sustain...
📄 Preview Python docs built from this PR Note: Links to docs will display an error until the docs builds have been completed. ❌ 18 New Failures, 4 Unrelated Failures As of commit 103545f with merge base 594462d (): NEW FAILURES - The following jobs have failed: Generate documentat...
Kinematica 0.7.0-preview Tests Unity.Curves Unity.Kinematica ActionTask AnimationFrameDebugInfo Binary Binary.CodeBook Binary.CodeBook.Encoding Binary.CodeBookIndex Binary.Interval Binary.IntervalIndex Binary.Marker Binary.Marker...