I see that you are not able to train your UNET model due to Nan loss. There are a few troubleshooting methods you can try: Try to fiddle around with the learning rate on a smaller dataset to ensure if this is or isnt the root cause. If the image size is huge, you may need a bi...
Could you help me pin down which loss is NaN with your existing checkpoints? Sorry for replying late. I've been training another dataset these past few days and didn't encounter the 'loss nan' issue. I'm now trying to retrain the dataset where the bug previously appeared, hoping to rep...
I'm training my custom model with EfficientDet D0 but after 700 steps I am getting loss as nan value. Is there someone who has the same problem? TensorFlow 2.3.0 with GTX 1060 10.1 CUDA Here my training overview: I am using default config file parameters. Image size 512x512 and batch...
训练的时候提示错误:LossTensor is inf or nan ,试了下网上有人说是batch_size设置太小了,或者学习率设置太大了,修改后仍无改善,后google查询找到方法:说白了就是你在标注数据的时候矩形框出现了越界等问题,需要检查一下你的xml文件,修正后重新生成record文件再训练即可!
Hi, I want to use focal loss to train ssd, and I change the ssd code, but the loss is always nan. the file I change is below: in ssd_head.py: ` def loss_single(self, cls_score, bbox_pred, labels, label_weights, bbox_targets, bbox_weights, num_total_samples, cfg): # loss...
os.makedirs(os.path.join(cfg.results_dir,"timelines"), exist_ok=True)ifis_training: loss = os.path.join(cfg.results_dir,'loss.csv') train_acc = os.path.join(cfg.results_dir,'train_acc.csv') val_acc = os.path.join(cfg.results_dir,'val_acc.csv')ifos.path.exists(val_acc): ...
nu.save_model_to_weights_file(checkpoints[cur_iter], model)ifcur_iter == start_iter + training_stats.LOG_PERIOD:# Reset the iteration timer to remove outliers from the first few# SGD iterationstraining_stats.ResetIterTimer()ifnp.isnan(training_stats.iter_total_loss): ...
raise NanLossDuringTrainingError tensorflow.python.training.basic_session_run_hooks.NanLossDuringTrainingError: NaN loss during training. 浏览10提问于2017-03-02得票数 0 2回答 Tensorflow -手写识别的NaN损失 、、、 Step:0 Accuracy = 0.02 Loss = nanTraining Step:20Loss = nanTraining Step:80 Accurac...
数值稳定性:Fixing NaN Gradients during Backpropagation in TensorFlow 摘要大家好,我是默语,擅长全栈开发、运维和人工智能技术。...def stable_loss(y_true, y_pred): epsilon = 1e-7 y_pred ...
分类损失函数:Log loss,KL-divergence,cross entropy,logistic loss,Focal loss,Hinge loss,Exponential loss 在分类算法中,损失函数通常可以表示成损失项和正则项的和,损失项的表达方式有如下等: 1、Log loss 其中 N 是输入的样本数或者实例的数量,i 是某一个样本或者实例;M 表... ...