Format: PDF and ePUB – for all devices Add to cart Summary Excerpt Details This essay deals with the extent to which the tragedy of the commons prevents from dealing with a global ecological crisis. It is out of question that we face an urgent ecological crisis now showing itself in al...
WikiSummary , the Social Science Summary Database Hardin : The tragedy of the commonsPage, Main
View PDF Abstract To date, most experimental studies of the tragedy of the anticommons treat individuals’ preferences as common knowledge. Here, we conduct experiments in which values are private information. We vary the bargaining institution, the buyer's signaled willingness to pay, and the ...
).25 This provocative summary of the outcome of the cycle of blood and revenge underlines that Claus' play reduces Euripides' tragedy to the everyday reality of messy modern politics and domestic relationships. It also emphasizes that the ele- vated genre of tragedy has become banal in the ...
behavior and the environment in common-pool resource systems. 1Introduction Many natural resources produced within ecosystems are common-pool resources (CPRs). Such resources, which are shared by a group of users, are often associated with over-exploitation, atragedy of the commons(Hardin1968), ...
Under a Creative Commons license open accessProteolysis of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) liberates various fragments including the proposed initiator of Alzheimer disease-associated dysfunctions, amyloid-β. However, recent evidence suggests that the accepted view of APP proteolysis by the canonical...
Tragedy of the commons, concept highlighting the conflict between individual and collective rationality. The idea of the tragedy of the commons was made popular by the American ecologist Garrett Hardin, who used the analogy of ranchers grazing their anim
However, research during the last three decades has challenged the inevitability of the "tragedy of the commons" by documenting many examples of successful management of common property resources, and identifying the conditions under which individual users are more likely to decide that cooperative ...