In summary, while the "Resource Curse" and "Tragedy of the Commons" theories focus on different aspects of resource-related challenges, they both emphasize the importance of proper resource management, institutional arrangements, and collective action in mitigating the negative consequences associated with...
Learn what defines Garrett Hardin's Tragedy of the Commons, how it impacts the environment, other real-life examples, proposed solutions, and...
While the use of natural resources is an important part of how societies maintain themselves and build relationships with other nations, the tragedy of the commons focuses specifically on the inappropriate and abusive use of such resources. If one person or group overuses the resources, others are...
WikiSummary , the Social Science Summary Database Hardin : The tragedy of the commonsPage, Main
Summary and concluding remarks The aim of our research was to compare the severity of the anticommons tragedy under simultaneous and sequential bargaining institutions, low, high and uncertain budget signals and strict and partial input complementarity. The data from our experiments suggest three overarch...
In this work, we study the repeated n-person public-goods game and search for a strategy that forms a cooperative Nash equilibrium in the presence of implementation error with a guarantee that the resulting payoff will be no less than any of the co-players’. By enumerating strategic ...
Claes's analysis of Claus's adaptation of Senecan tragedy is followed by an examina- tion of the Belgian's Orestes and Het Huis van Labdakos. Blindeman, In Kolonos and Borgerocco are not covered in Claes's study as they were created later. Building on the treatment by Claes and other...
behavior and the environment in common-pool resource systems. 1Introduction Many natural resources produced within ecosystems are common-pool resources (CPRs). Such resources, which are shared by a group of users, are often associated with over-exploitation, atragedy of the commons(Hardin1968), ...
Over time, their increasingly radical, avant-garde ideas on marriage complicated the ongoing negotiation over power and intimacy which typified their marriages. Building on the historiography of social science couples, and by means of an analysis of the micro-social dynamics of marriage as documented...
A summary of these new secretase cleavage sites within APP is provided in Fig. 1, and the functions and/or characteristics of the metabolites produced through these cleavage events are summarized in Table 1. Although APP can also be cleaved in its intracellular domain (recently reviewed in Ref....