Using options on the VXX, VIX or UVXY this method uses the downward bias and reversion inherent in volatility to profit from option decay. To accomplish these goals it uses ‘ratio ladders’. The method is superior to many others because of its math based rules, strict exit criteria, minimal...
I must say that I am really impressed with your analysis. The way you predicted where the market would turn recently - 1600 last week and again today at the low 1620's was brilliant. I would really like to improve my own trading and I'm guilty of over trading in the past so do not...
Comparing the VXX and VXZ Performance 76 Barclays ETN+ Inverse S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN 80 Barclays ETN+ S&P VEQTOR ETN 82 S&P 500 VIX Futures Source ETF 82 CHAPTER 7 Alternate Equity Volatility and Strategy Indexes 83 CBOE S&P 500 3-Month Volatility Index (VXV) 83 ...
VIXU.S. Dollar IndexBitcoin MicroEther MicroBritish PoundCanadian DollarJapanese YenSwiss FrancEuro FXAustralian DollarMexican PesoNew Zealand DollarSouth African RandBrazilian RealT-BondUltra T-Bond10 Year T-Note5 Year T-Note2 Year T-NoteUltra T-Note30 Day Fed Funds3-Month SOFRCrude Oil Brent...
The CrystalBull Vixen™ Indicator This is our most aggressive timing model, trading the VIX volatility index. This measures market sentiment throughout the trading day and tries to find unsustainable levels of greed and fear. This strategy is high-risk, with high volatility and large drawdowns....
Excellent option trading platform. Runner-up for the best option broker in Canada. BMO Investorline Review 3.8 / 5 Options Trading Fees $1.25 per contract/$9.95 Min. Monthly Account Fee $0* No Available Promotion Visit BMO Best Big Bank Brokerage - 80+ Free ETF Trades, Big Bank Convenience...
11/7/2024 Recent Look at the Market Sentiment & VIX Trades as a Market Hedge In this presentation we take a look at the recent Market Sentiment from September 13th, prior to the...[read more] 11/7/2024 Signature Tools: The Long Option Finder At PowerOptions we offer a strong set of...
The system can used for trading options on regular stocks and Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) such as the QQQ, SPY and DIA This course contains over25 hours of video and audio education, 2 PDF guides and 3 Excel worksheets. Learn to trade with confidence by mastering stock selection, portfolio...
Runner-up for the best option broker in Canada. BMO Investorline Review 3.8 / 5 Options Trading Fees $1.25 per contract/$9.95 Min. Monthly Account Fee $0* No Available Promotion Visit BMO Best Big Bank Brokerage - 80+ Free ETF Trades, Big Bank Convenience, Medium Cost Interactive Brokers ...
extraordinaire,Paul Tudor Jones, had this piece of advice stuck to his office wall: “LOSERS AVERAGE LOSERS.”14 While averaging down is an excellent strategy for long-term investors and swing traders, averaging down on a losing trade in a 3x ETF is like throwing your money out the ...