8 月份,高仓位成分基金(仓位 80%-100%)数量占比较上月上升 0.95 个百分点,低仓位成分基金(仓位 0%-40%)数量占比较上月上升 4.76 个百分点。 (6)美股波动率:本周VIX高点23.14(上周为17.79),低点20.14(上周为16.48),波动率20以下属于较低区域,20-30为正常区域,30以上为恐慌区域。 6、外资方向:北向资金...
最后,本周减持沪深300ETF、红利低波ETF以及部分成长股配置,网格操作京沪高铁、长江电力,其他无操作。 1、总结下本周市场情势,如下: 上证50 -2.72% 创业板50 -2.52% 科创50 3.04% 沪深300 -3.25% 中证500 -4.74% 中证1000 -5.12% 国证2000 -5.16% 大盘价值 -1.56% 大盘成长 -4.59% 中盘价值 -5.29% 中...
摘要: The article discusses exchange-traded fund (ETF) investment strategies as of June 2013, presenting the recommendations of financial planners and financial executives such as Dan Goldie, Jim Wiandt, and George Papadopoulos concerning funds such as the iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets ETF....
波士顿联储主席鸽派发言,支持加息放缓,美股全线走高;亚马逊大涨6%,创两个月最高涨幅,宣布向所有卖家开放Buy ... 昨夜美股三大股指尾盘走高,均创近一月新高。截至收盘,道指涨 0.80%,纳指涨 1.76%,标普涨 1.26%。美国十年国债收益率跌 2.236%,收报3.541%,相较两年期国债收益率差-68个基点。恐慌指数VIX涨 2.48...
Download iShares U.S. Dividend & Buyback ETF stock data: historical DIVB stock prices from MarketWatch.
$恐慌指数(30天)(VIX)$$标普500 ETF-SPDR(SPY)$$纳斯达克100指数(.NDX)$ Buy Fear! 随着东欧局势失控,尚未开盘的美股市场已经开始对事件做出反应,三大股指期货悉数大幅下跌,而与此同时,代表期权市场隐含波动率的VIX恐慌指数更是一度飙升20%以上。 (VIX日线图来自英为财情Investing.com) ...
SPDR Portfolio S&P 500 High-Dividend ETF is a American stock, trading under the symbol SPYD-N on the NYSE Arca (SPYD). It is usually referred to as AMEX:SPYD or SPYD-N Is SPDR Portfolio S&P 500 High-Dividend ETF a buy or a sell?
because stocks ended up rallying by 11% — before the situation again deteriorated. “Even if you bought that close, you needed to be nimble,” Colas said. The VIX is saying that the washout in stocks isn’t over yet. “We’re dancing in between the rain drops of the storm,” he ...
The iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN (VXX) is seeing elevated trading volume this afternoon - but not for the right reasons for anyone who owns this exchange traded note. The VIX Volatility Index correlates negatively with the S&P 500, and that mea...
“If you do, you could end up buying at the high or near the high of the day only to see the markets calm down and the option prices start coming down,” Tom tells us. Third, stick with your plan. Set aside a percentage of your portfolio you’d like to use for options trading ...