紫背万年青Tradescantia spathacea 鸭跖草科 紫露草属 百科:紫背万年青(RhoeodiscolorHance.),又名紫锦兰、紫蒀、紫兰、红面将军、血见愁、蚌花、蚌壳花,是鸭跖草科紫背万年青属的一种常绿宿根草本植物。叶宽披针形,成环状着生在短茎上叶面光滑深绿,是室内常见栽培的观叶植物。喜温暖湿润的气候。 原产墨西哥和西印...
Rhoeo discolor plant also known as Tradescantia spathacea belongs to Commelinaceae family mostly found in Mexico and widely used as traditional medicine as well as for ornamental use. The main characteristic compound present in this plant is highly rich in phenol content. Its common name is “purpl...
RhoeoTradescantia spathaceaA spectacular but poorly recognized nuclear repatterning is the association of heterochromatic domains during interphase. Using base-specific fluorescence and extended-depth-of-focus imaging, we show that the association of heterochromatic pericentromeres composed of AT- and GC-...
Tradescantia spathacea 'Tricolor', Variegated Moses-in-the-cradle, Perennial, [Rhoeo spathacea, R. discolor 'Variegata'], San Marcos Growers
As a favorable PTH (permanent translocation heterozygosity) model, Tradescantia spathacea (synon. Rhoeo spathacea) offers an unusual opportunity to address crucial cytogenetic problems, among them complex chromosome rearrangements, recognition and segregation of translocated genome parts, the relation of ...
Recently, Tan and co-workers [13] reported the identification of epigallocatechin, rhoeonin, peltatoside and rutin in the decoction of T. spathacea leaves, based on HPLC-DAD and MS data. However, to the best of our knowledge, the chemical constituents of this plant have not been reported ...
While demonstrating chromosome ring and chain configurations formed during meiosis I of permanent translocation heterozygote Tradescantia spathacea Sw. (syn. Rhoeo spathacea; 2n = 2x = 12) to a group of students, two different patterns of chromosome behavior were observed for the first time in ...
[38] reported on the discovery of a polyketide named javanicin (7), produced by a Fusarium sp., an endophyte of the medicinal plant Tradescantia spathacea (synonym: Rhoeo spathacea) traditionally used against respiratory disease; collected in Indonesia. The structure of javanicin (7) is ...
spathacea. At the time of writing, no specific non-polar antibacterial compounds have been isolated and identified from this plant. Our research group had previously screened the antibacterial activity of five Commelinaceae plants; four of which are Tradescantia: T. spathacea var. variegata, Rhoeo ...