Humidity:Average room (around 40% relative humidity). Brown leaf tips are a symptom of dry air. Check out these easy ways toadd humidity around your houseplants. Temperature:Average to warm room temperatures (65-80°F/18-27°C) suit this plant year-round.Purple heart tolerates varying tempe...
Easy care and quick growth aside, spiderworts are also just good-looking plants. The pointed, oval leaves on thin, fleshy stems overlap slightly and are characterized by their zebra pattern in purple and silvery green. The leaf undersides are deep purple in color and the tiny, three-petaled...
Supportive care with fluid replacement and the possible use of urine alkalinisation which may prevent acute tubular necrosis are the treatment of choice, as no specific antidote to ricin is known. In sensitised patients, ingestion may cause immediate respiratory difficulty, facial oedema and lacrima...
7 DIY organic lawn care tips you can start using today How to find, ID, and use chickweed, our favorite edible weed Edible wisteria flowers… and how to use them Plantain: a common edible weed that treats bee & other insect stings 16 common edible weeds growing in your yard 1.0K sha...
Invasive alien species are one of the symptoms of a fast growing and spreading era where human need is prioritized over care for nature [5]. One of the most relevant industries regarding environmental issues is the papermaking industry, where raw matter is derived directly from the natural ...