In order to find out if the name is on file with the trademark registry, check the Indian government’s trademark registry or perform a IP India Public Search Sometimes these databases will provide some insight into whether or not another company has filed for protection of their brand name ag...
Trademark registry India is the autonomy body appointed under the instruction of the Central Government for receiving trademark application and searching the suitable trademarks as per the rules and regulations. These days, online trademark application and search has been catching the imagination of many...
How can I do a trademark search online? You can easily search your trademark availability before spending money on register trademark in india 1. VisitGovernment trademark search portal Government trademark search portal. 2. Enter Trademark Class the words you want to search. ...
Identity Proof and Address Proof of the Signatory:Provide clear copies of government-issued IDs like PAN card, Aadhaar card, or voter ID along with address proof documents like utility bills or bank statements. Ensure the details match those on the UARC/certificate/deed. 3. Other Applicants (co...
Online trademark registration in India can be intricate, involving numerous steps and government procedures. At IndiaFilings, we simplify this process. Here's a breakdown of how we can assist you: Trademark Search Please start the process by providing us with essential information about your desired...
a government department, authority or undertaking; and in the case of collective trademarks, a Hindu undivided family, an association of persons or joint owners. At the time filing a trademark application or during taking over the representation of a trademark, a representative is required to file...
A Trademark Attorney should be an experienced professional because he is the person who has to answer any sort of government Objections raised. Trademark Objections are a very common phase during the process of trademark Application in India, because generally a Trade mark gets the same due to it...
TheTrademark Registryis a place where all the applications pertaining to trademarks are filed. Trademark Registry is established and looked after by the Central Government. The head office of Trademark Registry is located at Mumbai and branch office at various parts of India. The government has pres...
For trademark registration india call +91-98100- 45265 or e-mail at to have international tm search, logo, name and brand registrations through tm-india delhi.
Any person or company which is ever concerned with use of a trademark or service mark, can readily apply for trademark registration. The applicant could be an individual person/entrepreneur, any company/firm of the specified type, an NGO, or a government agency. ...