In order to find out if the name is on file with the trademark registry, check the Indian government’s trademark registry or perform a IP India Public Search Sometimes these databases will provide some insight into whether or not another company has filed for protection of their brand name ag...
Company Vakil, India's Largest Legal Service Platform offers Legal Consultant Services like MCA Company Search in India, Trademark Public Search India, ROC Company Search, Company Name Check, Trademark Check, Trademark Check India, New Company Name Searc
Trademark registry India is the autonomy body appointed under the instruction of the Central Government for receiving trademark application and searching the suitable trademarks as per the rules and regulations. These days, online trademark application and search has been catching the imagination of many...
For trademark registration india call +91-98100- 45265 or e-mail at to have international tm search, logo, name and brand registrations through tm-india delhi.
Trademark Filing Process in India After completing the trademark search, the next step is filing the trademark registration application with the Trademark Registrar. The Vienna Codification Process The Vienna Classification, also called the Vienna Codification, is an international system that categorizes th...
Nestle India Limited Background: In the trademark case of infringement here, the plaintiff Amul challenged the use of the term 'Munch' on chocolates belonging to Nestle, thereby diluting its brand value and causing confusion between consuming public and Amul's 'Amul Munch'. Amul pleaded that ...
Trademark Databases:Search official government databases like the USPTO (U.S.) or national registries of other countries. Examples of Famous Trademarks: Google:The colorful, playful logo instantly evokes the brand’s innovative spirit and technological prowess. ...
Unfair competition claims, sometimes asserted together with trademark claims, can be made when a defendant product is likely to confuse the public in India as to the affiliation between services, goods or companies. It can also include false advertising....
Any individual, sole proprietor, company or a legal entity claiming to be the trademark owner can apply for the trademark registration. In order to register trademark, application can be made by individuals, private firms, NGO’s & companies including public limited company, private limited company...
are likely to deceive the public; contain scandalous or obscene matter; are prohibited under the Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act 1950; hurt the religious sentiments of any class or section of the public; are identical or similar to an earlier mark for the same goods or ...