Discover expert trademark search and monitoring services at The Trademark Search Company. Ensure your brand's protection. Contact us today!
Discover expert trademark search and monitoring services at The Trademark Search Company. Ensure your brand's protection. Contact us today!
Trademarkia provides a free, fast, user friendly search of USPTO registered trademarks. Also, with trademark registration you can protect your brand in 180+ countries. Fast and easy. Starts at $99.
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Markify is the world's most accurate full trademark search. We help you avoid all confusingly similar marks.
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Perform a more in-depth trademark search by searching the Internet, state trademark databases, phone books, and any other business listings. Many people use a professional trademark-search company to perform this search because not all registered trademarks are accessible through the United States Pate...
Company Vakil, India's Largest Legal Service Platform offers Legal Consultant Services like MCA Company Search in India, Trademark Public Search India, ROC Company Search, Company Name Check, Trademark Check, Trademark Check India, New Company Name Searc
By June, the company plans to inaugurate international trademark coverage, starting with Canada and the U.K., according to Lynn Tellefsen, vice president of marketing at Data for comes from's subsidiaries MicroPatent, Faxpat, Optipat...