Do you need to check if your trademark is available or registered? ✔️ Use our Free Trademark Search Tool, ✔️☝ Enter and take a look
Search trademarks in several Asian countries. Search by Trademark Name, Number or Applicant. Asia International Bahrain Bhutan Brunei Cambodia China Georgia Hong Kong India Indonesia Israel Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kuwait Laos Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar ...
trade mark or trade mark number, you should use the Search of General Trade Mark Information (SGTMI). You can search on the basis of any of the following five search criteria: International Classification, Application Number/Registration Number, TrademarkContent (word), and Name of applicant in ...
Conduct a comprehensive search of the federal trademark database to prevent trademark conflicts. Find pending trademark applications as well as active and registered trademarks.
Patent Records: When the person you want to find is an inventor or scientist, they could be found searching the publicly-accessible databases of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Federal Bureau of Prisons: If like other millions of people, your person of interest is or has been at one...
The trademark name search support identical and similarity modes and also, if needed, you can filter results by class number. The App also has a trademark class search engine, so you can search for the class that your product or service belongs to. ...
Use our trademark search API to search the US trademarks database (USPTO) based on a search string. Our API allows search by serial number, trademark, upcoming expiration date, and product/service description.
trademark records. The App is completely free and allows to search by trademark name, trademark number and trademark owner’s name. The trademark name search support identical and similarity modes and also, if needed, you can filter results by class number. The App also has a trademark class ...
How to perform a USPTO trademark search Before you spend time and money in the trademark registration process, performing a USPTO trademark search is essential. Like a patent search, you can do a preliminary trademark search independently. Still, we highly recommend that you take advantage of the...
We have helped thousands of clients by providing IP services, enabling them to be much more competitive in business than ever before. Almost every week, Lanternfish will send an email to remind me if there is a new trademark registration similar to my trademark, which saves me a lot of time...