1) TRACE modelCohort模型2) CO CO 1. Release pattern of CO from the combustion of wood in small-scale fire tests; 小尺寸火灾模型中CO释放特性实验 2. Preparation and Photocatalytic Activity of Co-doped TiO_2 Nano-particles; Co掺杂改性纳米TiO_2颗粒的制备及其光催化性能 3. CO Detection System ...
The variable “Day of consumption” was categorized in two dichotomous categories “Before consumption” or “After consumption” and was included in the models as the independent variable with each urine element concentration included in the model as dependent variables. The percent change in urine ...
This result was driven by non-Cp Cu that correctly classified 64.1 % MSD (70 % in women) individuals vs. HC in a decision tree model, with values higher than 2.1 µmol/L which could distinguish the majority of MSD patients (86.3 % MSD vs. 13.7 % HC in women). Non...
For example, it has been previously reported that dietary concentra- tions of PEA and TYR indeed stimulate the gut, altering intestinal blood flow in an ex vivo model [31]. Secondly, we considered that the contribution of TAs derived from major TA-producing microbes in vitro, suggests ...
recent progress in large-scale and systematic analyses of the relationship between selenium status or selenoproteins and several complex diseases, mainly including population-based cohort studies and meta-analyses, genetic association studies, and some other omics-based studies. Advances in ionomics and ...
Application to toenail trace element mixture data from the New Hampshire Bladder Cancer Study Weights and 95% confidence intervals of toenail trace element exposures in the AMC-based g-computation model adjusted for age, gender, smoking, education, and high-risk occupation. Low, medium, and high ...
This model is a four-step process that mathematically and statistically links environmental Pb exposure to the PbB level for a population of children. The model also estimates the probability that the hypothetical child will have a PbB level greater than or equal to the level associated with ...
Hair Pb was significantly higher in dogs that ate mixed diets compared to dry diets (p = 0.039) (Fig.1e). We could confirm that an extreme outlier for hair Pb among the dry diet fed dogs had an owner that worked at a metal recycling plant. According to the final model, male dogs ...
A unifying model of the role of the infralimbic cortex in extinction and habits. Learn Mem 21: 441–448. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Blasio A, Steardo L, Sabino V, Cottone P (2014). Opioid system in the medial prefrontal cortex mediates binge-like eating. Addict Biol ...
The detected high-quality SNPs from outbreak isolates were used for SNP-based phylogenetic reconstruction by RAxML v7.4.219 with 1000 bootstrap replications under the general time-reversible model with Gamma correction (GTR+ G). Assembled genomes and genomes retrieved from GenBank were aligned ...