Cohort Component Model: Context, Concepts, and ConstructsPam PerlichURBPL 5/6020: Urban and Regional Planning AnalysisUniversity of Utah 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 12 p. Atmospheric teleconnections and flow regimes under future climate projections 9 p. ation therapy (CCRT) alone ...
This contribution proposes a stochastic cohort-component model that uses simulation techniques based on stochastic models for fertility, migration and mortality to forecast the population by age and sex. We specifically focused on quantifying the uncertainty of future development as previous studies have ...
Model Output (1) – Population Age Pyramids Model Output (2) - Households Households by Tenure and Type 2001 Households by Tenure and Type 2015 Comparison of Methods (1) Advantages of Cohort Component Method Focus on population. Better understanding of factors behind tenure change: natural change...
The model for binary outcome using the Probit link function with hierarchical variable selection is as follows: For each subject i = 1,…,n: $${\Phi }^{-1}(\mathrm{P}({\mathrm{Y}}_{\mathrm{i}}=1)) =\mathrm{ h}[({\mathrm{Group}}_{1} = ({\mathrm{z}}_{\mathrm{i}...
We apply a simple tobacco-consumption model to data from countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to test the model in some nations and to roughly estimate future rates in others. This analysis ... JP Pierce,L Thurmond,B Rosbrook - 《Jnci Monographs》 被...
A. 2014b. Modelling diameter distributions of two-cohort forest stands with various propor- tions of dominant species: A two-component mixture model approach. Mathematical Biosciences 249 (1): 60-74.Podlaski R, Roesch FA (2014) Modelling diameter distributions of two- cohort forest stands with ...
Methods We developed a cohort-component model to estimate demographic change based on user-defined disease-specific mortality trajectories. The model accounts for ageing over 101 annual age cohorts, disaggregated by sex and projects changes in the size and structure of the population. We applied this...
A Probabilistic Cohort-Component Model for Population Forecasting – The Case of GermanyPatrizio VanellaPhilipp Deschermeier49th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society
(1993). The right people, the right rates: Making population estimates and forecasts with an interregional cohort-component model. Journal of the American Planning Association, 59 , 45–64.Isserman, A. M. (1993). The right people, the right rates: Making population estimates and forecasts ...
cohort-componentpopulation projectionpopulation modelpopulation dynamicsorder of military meritmilitary honors and awardsIn 1972 the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) created the Order of Military Merit (Order) to honor members who have demonstrated conspicuous merit and exceptional service. Despite efforts to ...