Serial dilutions of Human Anti-TL1A Neutralizing antibody (Cat. No. EP168) (1:1 serial dilution, from 20μg/mL to 0.3125μg/mL) was added into Human DR3: Biotinylated Human TL1A (Cat. No. EP168) binding reactions. The assay was performed according to the protocol described below....
All assays can be run under a two-plate assay protocol. Cells are plated, treated and then lysed in a 96 well culture plate. Lysates are then transferred to a 96 or 384 assay plate where the TR-FRET reagents are added for direct detection of phosphorylated or total protein. No wash step...
TR-FRET protocol was similar to the one used for soluble mutant huntingtin with the following modifications: when using Alexa-labeled 4C9 antibody as an acceptor antibody, Alexa-specific emission signal was quantified at 520 nm. Duplex TR-FRET assay for simultaneous quantification of soluble and ...
Here, we describe a detailed protocol to measure the binding of the receptor binding domain (RBD) of spike to ACE2 by time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET). The assay detects the spike/ACE2 interaction in physiologically relevant cellular contexts and is suitable for ...
标准软件里自带了大量已有的实验protocol模板,减少不必要的protocol设计,节约研究时间。这些模板里有针对各种常见的分析,如细胞相关检测、靶点结合、核酸定量和蛋白纯度检测等,用户还可以对这些模板进行特殊应用的个别信息修改、添加。 每个SpectraMax Paradigm检测卡盒都独立采用针对特殊应用的最优化的光源设计,或是采用高能LE...
HEK293T cells were transfected with GFP or myc ATXN2 plasmids with different polyQ length (GFP-22Q/myc-22Q, GFP-79Q/myc-79Q, or GFP-empty/myc-empty as internal control) with Attractene transfection reagent (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) using the traditional transfection protocol. Shortly, 24 ...
Transfection was performed with lipofectamine2000 (Life Technologies, #11668019) using standard forward transfection protocol provided by the man- ufacturer. The cells were then placed back to the tissue culture incubator and incu- bated for 48 hours before collection and lysis (see below). Cell ...
*NOTE: As of January 2024, this protocol has been re-optimized for performance. Previous versions of this kit are available upon request. Need us to run inhibitor screens or profile your compounds against UBCH5c? Check out ourUbiquitination Screening Services. ...
The simple 1-step mix-and-measure protocol gives excellent quality and robustness and can be miniaturized to 5-microL volume. 展开 关键词: estrogen receptor TR-FRET terbium coactivator recruitment multiplex DOI: 10.1177/1087057109359196 被引量: 22 ...