sudo cp openacs-ds.xml /opt/jboss/server/default/deploy sudo cp openacs-service.xml /opt/jboss/server/default/deploy/jms 7. 安装mysql sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql -uroot -p123 > create database ACS; > quit; 8. 配置openacs cd /opt/jboss/server/default/deploy sudo vi openac...
4.创建openacs-service.xml(已经有了就不用创建),并拷贝到($JBOSS_HOME)/server/default/deploy/jms下面,openacs-service.xml格式如下所示: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <server> <mbeancode="" name=",name=acsQueue"> <d...
1. Perl CWMP Server - 2. mini-cwmp - - 3. open-tr069 - 4. OpenACS - 5. jCPE - http:...
将acs.ear拷贝到/opt/jboss-4.2.2.GA/server/default/deploy/下面。 修改完成后将openacs-ds.xml拷贝到($JBOSS_HOME)/server/default/deploy/下面: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><datasources><local-tx-datasource><jndi-name>ACS</jndi-name><connection-url>jdbc:mysql://localhost/ACS</co...
TeamsACS exclusively serves Mikrotik's TR069 ACS server golangmikrotiknetworkaaacpeacsrouteroscwmptr069 UpdatedMay 17, 2024 Go OktopUSP/oktopus Star70 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Open Source USP Controller and CWMP ACS multi-vendor management platform for CPEs and IoTs ...
7、规定在本WAN连接承载的什么业务列表,以逗号分割,目前定义:“TR069”,”INTERNET”,”VOIP”,”OTHER”.原则上只允许上网这条WAN连接对应“INTERNET”属性,除了TR069和VOIP的WAN连接之外,其他WAN连接均用”OTHER”标识(PPPOE代理除外)。X_CT-COM_LanInterface-DHCPEnablebooleanRR是否启用本WAN连接DHCP Server功能,...
主机名 16 性能上报相关 TR069 节点参数名称 类型 写读 描述 InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1. X_CT-COM_EponInterfaceConfig. Enable LogServerUrl LogUploadInterval LogCountInterval Object R Boolean W R String W R unsignedIn t unsignedIn W R 节点,性能参数统计文件上报方式配置开关,性能上报开关(...
The Unified Management Platform for Telecoms is a TR-069 ACS & TR-369 / USP Controller in one. Find out our features, pricing or get a free demo!
As the title says, OpenACS is a TR-069 based automatic configuration server, implementing CPE configuration protocol CWMP. It’s an opensource project you can find on Source Forge (, actually in Beta status. ...
Commercial Open Source TR069-client implements CPE WAN Management Protocol (CWMP) for remote device management, which is standardized by the Broadband Forum (BBF). CWMP works over IP network using HTTP(S) to communicate with an Auto Configuration Server (ACS), which can monitor, configure attribu...