部件名TPS7H5001-SP 下载TPS7H5001-SP下载 文件大小3916.1 Kbytes 页58 Pages 制造商TI [Texas Instruments] 网页http://www.ti.com 标志 功能描述TPS7H5001-SPRadiation-Hardness-AssuredSiandGaNDualOutputController 类似零件编号 - TPS7H5001-SP 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 ...
TPS7H5001-SP: TPS7H5001-SP In the datasheet, figure 9.1 Typical application, the feedback is from the voltage divider on the output. The feedback uses the secondary side return and the controller is on the primary side return. How can the correct voltage be fed bac...
器件型号:TPS7H5001-SP 如何使 OTA 的增益为1? 在 SIMPLIS 中、我希望获得 H (s)=1的响应。 您是否在输出端放置了一个接地电阻器? 谢谢。 尊敬的 Knute: 这是为了执行稳定性分析吗? 本应用手册可能对您有所帮助、因为它展示了传递函数的主要组件:揭秘使用运算放大器和 OTA ...
Part Number:TPS7H5001-SP The reference for this part is 0.613 volts. Do you see any problem with using it for a 28V output, the divide ratio is pretty large? This shouldn't be an issue. The only major annoyance will be making sure the output resistors are very accu...
TPS7H5001EVM-CVAL— TPS7H5001 evaluation module for 2-MHz dual-output PWM controller with synchronous rectification The TPS7H5001EVM-CVAL evaluation module (EVM) is a platform for testing the TPS7H5001-SP controller. TPS7H5001-SP can be operated in open loop. ...
www.ti.com Table of Contents Radiation Report TPS7H5001-SP QMLP Total Ionizing Dose (TID) Report ABSTRACT This report discusses the results of the total ionizing dose (TID) testing for TPS7H5001-SP QMLP, Texas Instruments 4-V to 14-V, current mode, high speed radiation-tolerant PWM ...
TPS7H5001-SP の特徴 耐放射線性能: 放射線耐性保証 (RHA):TID 100krad(Si) (最大値) SEL、SEB、SEGR 耐性:LET = 75MeV-cm2/mg (最大値) SET および SEFI 特性:LET = 75MeV-cm2/mg (最大値) SET 特性評価時にコントローラ出力のクロス導通イベント発生なし 入力電圧:4V~14V 温度、放...
www.ti.com User's Guide TPS7H5001-SP Worst-Case Analysis Model Table of Contents ABSTRACT This user's guide is intended to define the Worst Case Analysis (WCA) PSpice model for the TPS7H5001-SP. Instructions on setting up the unencrypted model for simulationSIMPLIS® are also provided. ...
www.ti.com User's Guide 28-V to 5-V, 10-A Flyback Converter Design With TPS7H5001-SP Table of Contents Daniel Hartung Space Power ABSTRACT The flyback converter is a popular converter type used in satellites to take the 28-V bus to lower voltages such as 5-V. This design details ...
www.ti.com Table of Contents Application Note TPS7H5001-SP 12 V to 0.8 V / 80 A Buck Converter Design Detailing Methodology and Results Daniel Hartung ABSTRACT The TPS7H5001-SP EVM uses the TPS7H5001-SP and LMG1210 to create a synchronous buck with error amplification, current sensing and...