tpo41托福综合写作范文tpo41 一、阅读文章要点。 阅读文章的观点是,人类可以在火星上建立永久性的居住点,并且给出了三个理由: 1.火星的大气含有二氧化碳:这一气体可以被利用来生产燃料和氧气。通过一些技术手段,比如将二氧化碳分解成一氧化碳和氧气,氧气可供人类呼吸,一氧化碳可作为燃料的组成部分。这样就能解决人类...
tpo41 综合写作范文(通用十三篇)5 1 tpo41 综合写作范文( ( 篇一) ) Actually there are two main ways of travelling – travelling on your own and being led by a tour guide in group. Sometimes when we plan for a trip, it is always hard for us to choose between these two methods. ...
1 1 tpo41 三篇阅读原文译文题目答案译文背景知识 阅读-1 ... 2 原文 ... 2 译文 ...
托福写作TPO41综合写作阅读&听力文本(完全正确版)批注本地保存成功开通会员云端永久保存去开通 Reading Burning coal in power plants produces a waste product called coal ash, a material that contains small amounts of potentially harmful chemicals. Environmentalists in the United States are concerned about ...
TPO 41 综合写作范文。 The passage discusses the issue of deforestation and its impact on the environment, while the lecture provides additional information and examples to support the argument. Both the passage and the lecture agree that deforestation has a negative impact on the environment, but ...
托福TPO41独立写作范文 Currently, there is a widespread belief that modern society attaches more appreciation to teachers. From my perspective, however, teachers were more appreciated and valued in the past. In the first place, the tradition in the past requires people to respect teachers. In the...
托福阅读tpo41R-2原文+译文+题目+答案+背景知识 原文 Climate Of Venus ①Earth has abundant water in its oceans but very little carbon dioxide in its relatively thin atmosphere.By contrast,Venus is very dry and its thick atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide.The original atmospheres of both Venus ...
托福听力tpo41lecture1、2、3、4原文+题目+答案+译文 Lecture12 原文2 题目4 答案5 译文6 Lecture27 原文7 题目9 答案11 译文12 Lecture313 原文13 题目16 答案18 译文18 Lecture420 原文20 题目22 答案24 译文24 Lecture1 原文 FEMALEPROFESSOR:Manyorganismshavedevelopedtheabilitytosurviveinharsh ...
TPO41阅读文本答案翻译 TPO-41 Navajo Art The Navajo, a Native American people living in the southwestern United States, live in small scattered settlements. In many respects, such as education, occupation, and leisure activities, their life is like that of other groups that contribute to the ...