4 原文+题目+答案+译文 托福听力tpo41lecture1、2、3、4原文+题目+答案+译文Lecture1 (2)原文 (2)题目 (4)答案 (5)译文 (6)Lecture2 (7)原文 (7)题目 (9)答案 (11)译文 (12)Lecture3 (13)原文 (13)题目 (16)答案 (18)译文 (18)Lecture4 (20)原文 (20)题目 (22)答案 (24)译文 (24)
1.What does the professor talk about with the man? A. Reasons the man should work at the field station next summer instead of working independently B. Reasons the man should change the focus of his independent study project C. Projects that the man has permission to work on next summer D...
Professor: I have some good news for you. 教授:我有些好消息要告诉你。 One of the students who was signed up for the summer term at the field station next year won't be attending after all. 报名参加明年夏季学期去野外站的学生之一最终决定放弃了这次机会不参加了。 Your name's first on the...
玛利亚? Student: Exoplanets are planets that orbit around a star other than our Sun, right? 学生:外行星是那些轨道绕着恒星而非绕着太阳的星球,对吧? They are not in our solar system. 它们不在我们的太阳系中。 Professor: Right. 教授:对。 They have different... what are called "host stars"...
『新东方在线托福听力』为托福考生准备了ETS托福TPO/Official 41 Con 1听力练习:What does the professor say is the main topic of John Arnold’s research?原文题目答案解析,TPO/Official 41 Con 1听力原文范文音频翻译。
What does the professor mainly discuss? A. The process art historians use to determine who created Renaissance artworks B. Whether collaborative artworks are superior to those produced individually C. The way that art was created during the Renaissance ...
【托福tpo41听力conversation2Get Help On Paying Tuition原文解析+翻译音频】小站托福备考平台为广大托福考生提供全套托福TPO41听力在线模考练习测评,托福听力评分标准,托福听力名师辅导,托福听力考点答题等技巧解析。小站教育,助力中国学生绽放出国留学梦想。
关于托福准备多长时间的问题,我的看法如下: 主要还是要从自己的实际水平基础来看的,每个人的英语水平不一样,所以准备托福的时间也会不一样。而影响大家准备时间长久大致上就是一下四个原因: 自己的英语水平 自己的英语水平是最主要的原因
原文 FEMALEPROFESSOR:Manyorganismshavedevelopedtheabilitytosurviveinharsh environmentalconditions—extremeheatorcold,or,verydryconditionsLike, plantsinthedesert—yourtextbookdoesn’thavemuchaboutthespecificsondesert plants,butIthinkthatdesertplantsaregreatexamplesofspecializedadaptationsto ...