在[命令編號] 文本框中,輸入您要封鎖的新命令編號,然後選取 [確定]。 您輸入的命令編號會新增至封鎖清單。 使用TPM Cmdlet 您可以使用 Windows PowerShell 來管理 TPM。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 TrustedPlatformModule PowerShell Cmdlet。 意見反應 此頁面對您有幫助嗎? YesNo 提供產品意見反應...
You can manage the TPM using Windows PowerShell. For details, see TPM Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell. Physical presence interface For TPM 1.2, the TCG specifications for TPMs require physical presence (typically, pressing a key) for turning on the TPM, turning it off, or clearing it. These ...
You can manage the TPM using Windows PowerShell. For details, see TPM Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell.Feedback Was this page helpful? Yes No Provide product feedback Additional resources Events Nov 20, 7 AM - Nov 22, 7 AM Gain the competitive edge you need with powerful AI and Cloud ...
Here is Microsoft Powershell commands for TPM from the link above: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/trustedplatformmodule/?view=windowsserver2022-ps 0 Likes Reply marell In response to elstaci Adept II 12-30-2022 07:11 AM I've run Get-TpmEndorsementKeyInfo ...
Unable to install a firmware update using the PowerShell CLI (Command Line Interface)? Running the TPM module firmware update from PowerShell or Command Prompt, will fail when using the /s switch. The log displays an error Exit Code = 8 (Downgrade Ban Error) when the ...
-Allow TPM Clear by Disabling Physical Presence requirement via WMI commands in PowerShell: $tpmClear = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\wmi -Class Lenovo_SetBiosSetting $tpmClear.SetBiosSetting("PhysicalPresenceForTpmClear,Disable") $saveBios = Get-Wmi...
Use Windows PowerShell to Monitor System Performance Run Check Disk from Windows Explorer to Check for and fix Disk Errors Run Check Disk from a Command Line to Check for and fix Disk Errors Use the Registry to Configure Custom Search Providers in Windows 7 Create and Use a Virtual Hard Disk...
我建议你先看看IBM's software TPM。该项目还提供了libtpm和一些实用程序。这是我所知道的较轻的实现...
Open PowerShell as an Admin. Run the following cmdlet: Get-TPMEndorsementKeyInfoyou should get an output similar to that seen below. Sorry I had to block out a bunch of stuff but you should get the point. From here we can see the certificate information for the ...