MyCommand.Name return null value after converting ps1 to exe $PSCommandPath is $null in parameters section and during debugging 32 bit vs 64 bit odbc connection problems 64bit - win32reg_addremoveprograms 90 day inactive user report using PowerShell A "tail -f" equivalent command in Powersh...
I have to run a powershell command from a batch file. stdout of the command is redirected to a file. I have noticed when the command fails that the error output is sent to stdout. For example consider this:powershell -c "doesnotexist" 1>foo...
If you set the ResultSize to 7 but you have only three users in your forest, the command will return those three users, and then complete without error. 展開表格 Type: Unlimited Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: ...
Unable to install a firmware update using the PowerShell CLI (Command Line Interface)? Running the TPM module firmware update from PowerShell or Command Prompt, will fail when using the /s switch. The log displays an error Exit Code = 8 (Downgrade Ban Error) when the ...
Note that the Get-CsOnlineUser cmdlet does not have a TenantId parameter; that means you cannot use a command similar to this in order to limit the returned data to users who have accounts with a specific Microsoft Teams or Skype for Business Online tenant: ...
Invoke-Command:在远程计算机上执行命令。 Restart-Service:重新启动指定的服务。 Clear-EventLog:清除指定的事件日志。 Get-HotFix:获取已安装的热补丁信息。 Get-HotFix Source Description HotFixID InstalledBy InstalledOn --- --- --- --- --- Get-WindowsFeature:获取安装在系统上的 Windows 功能...
Description This issue is very similar to several previous issues here, here, and here. When passing the current Azure context to the Start-Job command, the first job that completes will often fail with the error message, "Your Azure cre...
X "\Microsoft\Windows\Workplace Join\Recovery-Check" "DSREG commandline tool" "(Verified) " "c:\windows\system32\dsregcmd.exe" "11/23/1974 10:11 AM" "0/73" + "\Microsoft\Windows\WwanSvc\OobeDiscovery" "Windows MB Media Manager DLL" "(Verified) " "c:\windows\system32\mbmediaman...
AndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Profile.ConnectAzureRmAccountCommand.<>c__DisplayClass111_0.<ExecuteCmdlet>b__1(AzureRmProfile localProfile, RMProfileClient profileClient, String name) Connect-AzAccount : InteractiveBrowserCredential authentication failed: Persistence check ...
Get-Tpm Trusted Platform Module (TPM). Trace-Command trcm Trace an expression or command. Get-Tracesource Get components that are instrumented for tracing. Set-Tracesource Trace a PowerShell component. Start-Transaction Start a new transaction. Complete-Transaction Commit the transaction. Get-Transac...