Get all parameters pass to a powershell script and store it in a variable Get all users by UPN from an AD Group in Powershell Get AppLocker Events from Remote Machine Get associated security group for each folder? Get BIOS time via powershell. Get characters between dash "-" chars Get c...
Use this cmdlet to get a deployment phase for a specific instance of a phased deployment. For more information, see Create phased deployments with Configuration Manager. Note Run Configuration Manager cmdlets from the Configuration Manager site drive, f
Function Get-DedupProperties Storage Function Get-DeliveryOptimizationPerfSnap DeliveryOptimization Function Get-DeliveryOptimizationPerfSnapThisMonth DeliveryOptimization Function Get-DeliveryOptimizationStatus DeliveryOptimization Function Get-Disk Storage Function Get-Disk...
Get-Tpm Initialize-Tpm Clear-Tpm Unblock-Tpm Enable-TpmAutoProvisioning Disable-TpmAutoProvisioning Import-TpmOwnerAuth Set-TpmOwnerAuth ConvertTo-TpmOwnerAuth 四、PowerShell 3.0基础命令快速参考 Connect-PSSession ConvertFrom-Json ConvertTo-Json Disable-PSRemoting Disconnect-PSSession Export-CimCommand Get-C...
Enable-CMStatusFilterRule Enable-CMTaskSequence Export-CMAntimalwarePolicy Export-CMApplication Export-CMBaseline Export-CMCollection Export-CMConfigurationItem Export-CMDriverPackage Export-CMPackage Export-CMQuery Export-CMSecurityRole Export-CMTaskSequence Get-CMAADApplication Get-CMAADTenant Get-CMAccessAc...
使用Dell Client Command Suite通过可信平台模块(TPM)保护戴尔商业客户端系统 文章/博客 Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Advanced Battery Charge feature(Dell Command | PowerShell Provider 高级电池充电功能) Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Auto-On feature(Dell Command | PowerShell Provider 自动打开功能...
使用Dell Client Command Suite通过可信平台模块(TPM)保护戴尔商业客户端系统 文章/博客 Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Advanced Battery Charge feature(Dell Command | PowerShell Provider 高级电池充电功能) Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Auto-On feature(Dell Command | PowerShell Provider 自动打开功能...
PowerShell Get-Module 查看PSModulePath路径中的模块#yyds干货盘点#,环境配置说明Windows21H1PSVersion5.1.19041.1320 示例powershellPSC:\Users\adminGetModuleListAvailable目录:C:\ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\ModulesModuleTypeVersionNameExportedCommandsScr
Get-PSProvider Get-PSSession Get-PSSessionConfiguration Get-PSSnapin Get-Random Get-ScheduledJob Get-ScheduledJobOption Get-SecureBootPolicy Get-SecureBootUEFI Get-Service Get-Tpm Get-TpmEndorsementKeyInfo Get-TpmSupportedFeature Get-TraceSource Get-Transaction Get-TroubleshootingPack Get-TypeData Get-...
PowerShell commands are referred to as cmdlets. In PowerShell, the simplest approach to locate these commands is to performGet-Command -Type Cmdlet. # Get all cmdlets, functions, and aliasesGet-Command# Get all commands of all typesGet-Command*# Get cmdlets and display them in orderGet-Comma...