为引领下一代3D生成式人工智能技术和应用的新突破,谷歌、西安交大、ETH、慕尼黑工大、斯坦福、CMU、西蒙弗雷泽大学、马克斯普朗克研究所、UC Merced等国内外多所研究机构共同举办 TPAMI 特刊“Generative AI in 3D Vision”,目前特刊已开发投稿,投稿截止日期为2024年8月15日。 特刊主页:https://genai3d.github.io/。
📰 2024-03-06: We establish a template for paper submissions. This template is accessible by navigating to theNew Issuebutton withinIssuesor by clickinghere. Once there, please select thePaper Submission Formand complete it following the guidelines provided. ...
华人/大陆 论文中稿数量也不断增加;个人感觉TRO和T-PAMI都属于行业的顶刊,其实直接拿来比是不太合理...
Please don not hesitate to open an issue. We do not encourage you to contact us directly, opening an issue would be the best way to raise up your questions. Some known issues & fixations are: Navigate tow-0in tmux to see if this worker is working properly, because this worker is respo...
Overview:Volume 38 Issue 3收录了41篇文章,其中包括1篇Editorial论文、10篇Special Section on Wearable...