2013年普利兹克奖获得者伊东丰雄(Toyo Ito)“从僵化的网格中寻求自由,他感兴趣于空间与空间、外部和内部、建筑和周围环境之间的关系。他的作品从自然原理中汲取灵感,在有机结构、建筑表皮之间实现了统一就证明了这一点。” 他的建筑具有“与时空主题密切相关”的特性,他用一种“以不变应万变”的古老哲学进行着建...
寻找一种似乎对立的价值之间的平衡 日本建筑师伊东丰雄(Toyo Ito)工作40年之后,在全世界的建筑师中赢得了一群狂热的追随者。但他在他的祖国日本并不出名。通过他的奇特和虚幻的建筑——从为城市场隐居者设计的简朴的住房,到用精美的墙纸装饰的拱形的图书馆,他创造了一批无与论比的、具有独创性的多样化作品。
Born in 1941, he has received numerous awards, including the Pritzker Prize in 2013, for projects such as the Sendai Mediatheque and the Taichung Metropolitan Opera House. Ito’s work often explores the relationship between architecture, people, and the environment, employing materials and ...
In the Taichung Metropolitan Opera House, the horizontal and vertical network of spaces creates opportunities for communication and connection. Seeking freedom from the rigidity of a grid, Ito is interested in relationships -- between rooms, exterior and interior, and building and surroundings. Toyo ...
Toyo Ito's Taichung Metropolitan Opera House in Taiwan opens These new photographs reveal the cavernous form of an opera house by Japanese architectToyo Ito,which has opened in the Taiwanese cityTaichung(+ slideshow).More Toyo Ito creates fluted walls of white concrete at Museo Internacional del ...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Toyo Ito And Associates at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
The article discusses an architecture project being done by architect Toyo Ito for the Taichung Metropolitan Opera House in Taiwan. The building will be called the Sound Cave and is being built in a park within an urban high-rise development. Previous projects designed by Ito include the ...
3D printed ring is shaped around a reflecting solitaire stone from$139by RADIAN Jewelryfrom germany souleaf wall art visualizes the luminous photosynthetic process $28by ilsangisangfrom south korea the fuji t-shirt celebrates the greatest climb in the world ...
[10] A major retrospective of Ito's work was shown at the Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery in 2006 as Toyo Ito: The New "Real" in Architecture.[11] List of works[edit] Source:[12] 1976 – The U House (house for his sister) 1984 – Silver Hut (Ito's own house, adjacent to White...
岩田健母与子博物馆由钢构建筑和银色金属建筑组成的伊东丰雄建筑博物馆toyo ito museum of architecture迎来了由建筑师伊东丰雄设计的第三座建筑,“岩田健母与子博物馆”,它位于临近的今治市,与伊东丰雄建筑博物馆的其它建筑配套完成。这些建筑物都有相同的精神和概念,但却讲述了三个完全不同的故事。没有屋顶的圆...