2013年普利兹克奖获得者伊东丰雄(Toyo Ito)“从僵化的网格中寻求自由,他感兴趣于空间与空间、外部和内部、建筑和周围环境之间的关系。他的作品从自然原理中汲取灵感,在有机结构、建筑表皮之间实现了统一就证明了这一点。” 他的建筑具有“与时空主题密切相关”的特性,他用一种“以不变应万变”的古老哲学进行着建...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Toyo Ito at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
1976 – The U House (house for his sister) 1984 – Silver Hut (Ito's own house, adjacent to White U) 1986 – Tower of Winds, Yokohama 1991 – Yatsushiro Municipal Museum 1994 – Old People's Home in Yatsushiro 2001 – Sendai Mediatheque: a multi-function complex accommodating a mixed ...
Japanese houses by Kenzo Tange, Toyo Ito and Atelier Bow-Wow showcased in MAXXI exhibition The houseKenzo Tangedesigned for himself, a U-shaped residence byToyo ItoandAtelier Bow-Wow's house-cum-studio are all on show as part of an exhibition about Japan's post-war houses at theMAXXImuseum...
White U House by Toyo Ito: A Striking Residential Design in Tokyo December 16, 2019 Toyo Ito, the acclaimed Japanese architect, created the stunning White U House in 1976 as a tribute to his late brother-in-law, with the intention of providing a serene and tranquil… ...
For example Hakusan House and Kamikita House have all bills and Wi-Fi included in the price of the rent. Are the apartments you list fully furnished? This depends on the property. Currently about half of the properties we list in Tokyo are rented fully furnished. You can use the filters ...
Most of Ito’s early works are private residences, including the 1976 White U house he designed for his sister. It was the unusal serene geometry and monastic materiality of this project that brought attention to the young Ito’s work. Through much of the 1980s he pursued minimalist tactics...
“Although Mr. Ito has built a great number of buildings in his career, in my view, he has been working on one project all along, -- to push the...
This Tokyo Art University Library by Japanese architect Toyo Ito is organised with arches arranged along curved lines (photos by Iwan Baan).
White U, one of Ito's first works. Image © Koji Taki One of his first, in 1971, was a home called “Aluminum House,” which consisted of a wooden frame completely covered in aluminum. In 1976, he designed “White U”, a home for his sister (pictured above), which generated a ...