Disclaimer: The Touken Ranbu Wiki is run by fans and has no affiliation with the original game creators and publishers. All the information on the site are contributed by fellow fans and while a great amount of time and effort has been exerted to ensure the accuracy of the information, they...
Disclaimer: TheTouken Ranbu Wikiis run by fans and has no affiliation with the original game creators and publishers. All the information on the site are contributed by fellow fans and while a great amount of time and effort has been exerted to ensure the accuracy of the information, they sh...
My Touken Ranbu: Wiki Edition In ways of an introduction, hello fellow Saniwas! On Touken Ranbu's profile page I am known as Haru (はる) from the Province of Yamato (大和国). I have been playing for well over 100 days now, and have finally given in to the fun temptation of the...
You must confirm a mission's completion by clearing it from the Mission menu before receiving any rewards. Collapse Touken Ranbu Wiki Navigation Links Game NewsRecent Updates•Campaigns•Events•Server Status Character ListCharacters•List by Types•List by Stats||Sword Crests•Drop List||Of...