英文片名:Touken Ranbu: The Movie 2西元995年的京都,藤原道長權勢鼎盛的平安時期都城。在道長與安倍晴明的密談會後,源賴光一行人被下令前去討伐棲息在大江山裡的鬼怪「酒吞童子」,途中卻遭到前所未見的敵人阻擋。敵人的真實身分是以改變歷史為目標的「歷史修正主義者」派出的時間溯行軍,出手解救這艱難戰況的是三日月...
Touken Ranbu 2: Dirigido por Saiji Yakumo. Con Shiori Akita, Yoshihiko Aramaki, Akira Emoto, Reo Honda. In the year 995, due to a secret a talk between Michinaga Fujiwara (Akira Emoto) and Seimei Abe (Terunosuke Takezai), Yorimitsu Minamoto (Kanji Tsuda)
Touken Ranbu 2: Regia di Saiji Yakumo. Con Shiori Akita, Yoshihiko Aramaki, Akira Emoto, Reo Honda. In the year 995, due to a secret a talk between Michinaga Fujiwara (Akira Emoto) and Seimei Abe (Terunosuke Takezai), Yorimitsu Minamoto (Kanji Tsuda) is
See Touken Ranbu 2's production, company, and contact information. Explore Touken Ranbu 2's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professionals.
Opening Movie of Touken Ranbu ONLINE (Dec 13th, 2022's version) Touken Ranbu (刀剣乱舞) is an online web browser game by DMM and Nitroplus. Players assume the role of a Saniwa sage (審神者) who travels into the past to defeat evil forces that are trying to change the course of histor...
英文片名:TOUKEN RANBU KAI舞台劇「刀劍亂舞」首部作品改編,四把刀劍男士,由魔王.織田信長所有,信長是他們的前主人,他們將出陣前往信長被暗殺的本能寺之變,那個在種種糾葛下,由他們所守護的歷史會是什麼?這是一個在歷史迴旋下所展開的故事…第1話 被熊熊烈火燃燒著的本能寺本堂──宗三左文字做了好幾次相同的...
Katsugeki Touken Ranbu Movie Genre: Action, Historical, Fantasy, Samurai Airing Date: 2022 Other Seasons: Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu Studios: ufotable Promotional Videos / PV Official Images / Key Visuals ©️Nitroplus・DMM GAMES/「活撃 刀剣乱舞」製作委員会 ...
Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru Season 2 続「刀剣乱舞-花丸-」 Synopsis In the year 2205, the "historical retrograde army" has begun a campaign to change the present by changing the past. Meanwhile, the Saniwa, whose duty it is to protect the current timeline, have been granted the ability to bri...
Toku Touken Ranbu - Hanamaru: Yuki No Maki 上映日期:2022年9月22日片長:73 分鐘級別: TBC - - 17讚好0影評 簡介 有著大棵萬葉櫻的本丸,正處於白雪覆蓋之際── 刀劍男士大和守安定和加洲清光回想起,自稱名刀‧山姥切本歌的山姥切長義,因時之政府的命令,而被派遣到他們本丸的往事。山姥切長義...
The official website for Touken Ranbu The Movie - Reimei (Dawn) -, the second live-action film adaptation of Nitroplus and DMM Games' video game franchise Touken Ranbu, has released a 90-second full trailer. The clip reveals that the story is depicted in...