Learn touch typing online using TypingClub's free typing courses. It includes 650 typing games, typing tests and videos.
Here you will find information about all the touch-typing tutors: descriptions, screenshots and links to download!
Typing Club www.typingclub.com This might be the best free online typing tutorial out there. It starts with the most basic practice (with the F and J keys), and advances gradually to advanced levels which include number practice, capital letter practice and special symbols such as $, % @ ...
网站主要内容为:typing, typing tutorial, free touch typing tutorial, touch typing, typing game等。已开启GZIP压缩,用户主要来自美国,主要流量来自直接访问。typingclub.com的域名年龄为13年1个月30天,注册商为GoDaddy.com,LLC,DNS为melody.ns.cloudflare.com,stanley.ns.cloudflare.com,域名更新时间是2024年03月...